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- 5.1K
I am no stalker, but here you may be WOWED. I really don't think this'll work because I'm not an old person who is super sure of what people would say. Have …
- 17.7K
"While we thus reject all of which we can entertain the smallest doubt, and even imagine that it is false, we easily indeed suppose that there is neither God, …
- 7.6KWhat character are YOU in 'The Wolf Among Us4rated: 4/5Promoted 10 years agotaken 7.6K times1 comment
The Wolf Among Us is an Episodic Adventure game created by Telltale games. It has been a hit and i'm here to tell YOU …
- 17.8KWhat is your class in Tera?2.99rated: 2.99/5Promoted 10 years agotaken 17.8K times
This quiz helps you choose a class in Tera when you cant decide yourself. Only by answering a few questions you will be able to find out what Tera calss you …
- 11.3K
There are many good son/daughter out there . Being a good son/daughter is difficult . If you want to be a good son/daughter ,you should listen to them …
- 2.5K
There are a lot of fictional characters out there, but I've selected only 6, to see if you would match any of them. there are brave ones, smart ones, cancer …
- 4.5K
there are many many people who watch youtube, for many reasons, boredom, for a laugh, because they are addicted, for music and for beauty advice & tutorials …
- 1.3Kwho is your emblem3 boyfriend3.07rated: 3.07/5Promoted 10 years agotaken 1.3K times
i made this quiz because i wanted to see who would be the perfect emblem 3 member for you. It could be Wesley, Keaton, or drew. which one is made for you? …
- 1.5K
Everyone says that they are nice, but a lot are lying! It is always nice to lend a helping hand though, especially to families and friends because you don't …
- 5.7K
A lot of people are curious about when they get married. Some are pretty sure they want to get married soon, while others want to wait. Find out what is the …