Korean Beauty Standard Test (females !)

Hey gorgeous.. Wanna find out how much of k-beauty standards u fit in? Let's find out :3 Scroll down and lets find out pookie <3 plus, any engenes in here who wanna be friends? my ig if u need ! (wonyflvwr)

This quiz is basically for the females and k-pop/k-drama fans as mentioned before. So, please enjoy girlies. (THE RESULT DOESN'T DETERMINE HOW PRETTY YOU ARE JUST THE KBS % DON'T TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY...!!)les gaurr

Created by: avii
  1. Let's start with skin colour โŠน
  2. Height ๐ŸŽ€
  3. Body Type โœฎโ‹†
  4. BMI (under 18.5 bmi?) โ‹† (toxic :( but yeah)
  5. Lip shape โŠน ๐Ÿ’‹ !!
  6. Face shape โญ‘โš โญ‘
  7. Which one describes your hair perfectly ?
  8. Eye shape โ‹†
  9. Eyelids โ‹†.
  10. Which one describes your face the best โ‹†๐ŸŽงโœง?
  11. Natural hair colour ๐ŸŒท?
  12. Eye colour .โ˜˜ ?
  13. Eyebrows โญ‘๐Ÿฆ‹ โญ‘?!
  14. Nose (bridge) โ‹†.ยฐ๐Ÿงธ?โญ‘
  15. Skin type โ€โ€ง?
  16. Are u asian / east asian / south korean?
  17. Do u have perfectly clear skin . ?!!
  18. Is your face symmetrical โ‹†?
  19. Teeth โ€ง๐Ÿ–‡โœฉ ?

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