The Hottest Quizzes on GoToQuiz Right Now
A trending or "hot" quiz is one that has developed a sudden surge of activity. See the current top quizzes that are trending right now. The bigger the flame, the hotter the quiz! Right now we have nothing trending above On Fire.
The 10 Hottest Right Now:
On Fire
Does Shadow the hedgehog love you?- 3.95rated: 3.95/5
- by Marissa
(For Shadow fangirls only unless you are gay) Have you always wondered if Shadow the hedgehog were real, would he love you? There is only one way to fOn Fire
Personality Plus- 4.03rated: 4.03/5
- by djkyle
This quiz is from the book Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself by: Florence Littauer There are 4 key personalitSparking
Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz- 4.14rated: 4.14/5
- by Nova Malfoy
- Sorting Hat
Welcome to Hogwarts! This sorting hat test includes all of the questions from Pottermore's test, so it is very accurate! This is ideal if you want toSparking
What Kind Of Girl Are You ?- 3.63rated: 3.63/5
- by Tara
Girls are all very different from each other , they can be pretty, ugly or hot . Your one and half of the world is a girl. But just what type of girlSparking
How many people have a crush on you- 3.43rated: 3.43/5
- by Subhrajit chowdhury
Many people think that they are the most popular at school and are the most crushed on person. Do you think you are the one? Well now you are finallySparking
Which character from Harry Potter are you?- 4.34rated: 4.34/5
- by Molofruit
- Harry Potter Characters
Ever wondered which character from Harry Potter you are? Well find out now!!! Will you be cunning Hermione, dreamy Luna, famous Harry Potter or even DSparking
Are You Pretty?- 3.2rated: 3.2/5
- by Brooke Madeline
- Appearance
Everyone is pretty in their own way. Everyone knows that. But, people want the truth, and I'm here to give it to those people. ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Please continueSparking
Which Marauder has a crush on you? HARRY POTTER- 4.27rated: 4.27/5
- by AquaWolf
- Harry Potter Characters
Hi, looks like you're giving a fancy to my crushing quiz! This is only a quiz so don't take the results seriously, this is meant to be for fun to be hSparking
WHAT MCR SONG ARE YOU??- 4.27rated: 4.27/5
- by uhh idk
hey! i love mcr, and im assuming you do too! so take this quiz to find out what mcr song you are! this is judged by like your personality and stuff!!!Sparking
Turkiye Politik Gorus Testi- 3.39rated: 3.39/5
- by Ismim lazim degil
Türkiye'de sık tartışılan konulara göre hazırlanmış bir test. Testin bir insan tarafından hazırlandığı ve bu sebeple hata payı olabileceğini lütfen un
The Next Hottest, #11 - #20
How Indian Are You? (in England)?- 3.03rated: 3.03/5
- by Kalpita
- Identity
Being Indian... Sometimes good ... Sometimes bad. The over-obsessive parents lecturing you about A*, the constant intruding of private and personal thSparking
A surprisingly accurate godly parent quiz- 3.82rated: 3.82/5
- by Rayna
- Godly Parent
Hey you! Yeah, you, I saw you checking out this quiz. Well, if you were, you probably are interested in finding out who your godly parent is. (YourSparking
How compatible are you with Tom Riddle.- 3.83rated: 3.83/5
- by Ember Moon
- Harry Potter Characters
This quiz is for you to find out whether you are compatible with the famous Tom Riddle or not. You will need to know your Hogwarts house before takingSparking
Siyasi Gorus Testi- 3.37rated: 3.37/5
- by Politics Student
Bu test 2023 Turkiye'sinde tartışılan guncel konuları icerir. Dolayisiyle zamanla konular degistikce sorularin da degismesi gerekecegi icin test gunceSparking
Which Musician From the Grunge Era Are You?- 3.95rated: 3.95/5
- by Kim Overgaard
The Grunge Era. Dirty hair and flannel shirts. Screaming angst and pop-riddled guitar hooks. It was over as soon as it began. They were all differentSparking
Siyasi Ideoloji Testi 2023- 3.76rated: 3.76/5
- by O An Geliyor
Testimiz 35 sorudan olusmaktadir. Size en yakin gelen cevabi isaretleyiniz. Bu test hazirlanirken hicbir siyasi amac gudulmemistir. Eglence amaclidir.Sparking
Are you LGBTQ+ test?- 3.48rated: 3.48/5
- by Arnold Gamer
LGBT, or GLBT, is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. In use since the 1990s, the term is an adaptation of the initSparking
What Percy Jackson boyfriend do you have?- 4.4rated: 4.4/5
- by Marshmellow
- Percy Jackson Characters
This quiz is only for the fangirls of Percy Jackson! Find out who's your soulmate from Percy Jackson by responding to these simple questions. Good lucSparking
How Much Of A Tomboy Are You?- 3.73rated: 3.73/5
- by Angela
Are you wondering if you are a tomboy? Do you think you are a tomboy and a girly-girl at the same time? Are you wondering about that? How much doSparking
What Braces Color Matches You?!- 3.68rated: 3.68/5
- by Aubrey
Take this quiz to find out what color of braces you should get! Have fun and I hope your braces don't hurt. Haha!
The Next Hottest, #21 - #30
Do You Have a Demon in You?- 3.45rated: 3.45/5
- by Austin Smith
Do you think you have a demon/guardian watching you or a supernatural power that is unexplainable? If you have a demon then you aren't the only one.Sparking
Who Is Your Greek God Parent? (PJO)- 4.29rated: 4.29/5
- by MayaLA
- Godly Parent
Have you ever put thought into whom your godly parent might be if you were a Greek demigod? Well wonder no longer! This completely accurate quiz willSparking
What D&D character class are you?- 3.43rated: 3.43/5
- by lister
- Roleplaying
Ever played dungeons and dragons? Here you can find out which character class best suits your personality. D&D is a game of imagination, but somSparking
What Type Of Person Are You?- 4.08rated: 4.08/5
- by Monica
- Personal Qualities
People have varied personalities. Therefore they bring up the word diversity. People are basically what make up the world. Sometimes it's a good thingSparking
Which Weapon Type Suits You?- 4.3rated: 4.3/5
- by Tres
The title is self-explanatory in my opinion, but there are basically eight possible outcomes. It will show you which weapon type, (virtually of courseSparking
Which Ajah Do You Belong to?- 4.13rated: 4.13/5
- by Ben Brown
- Fantasy
I have based this quiz on the Aes Sedai Ajahs from Robert Jordan's 'The Wheel of Time' series. Aes Sedai are strong women that can wield The Power, aSparking
What is your Hogwarts House?- 4.31rated: 4.31/5
- by Dillon Chapman
There are many sorting quizzes, but this is probably one of the most accurate. See if you are a brave Gryffindor, a cunning Slytherin, a smart RavenclSparking
Which country Are you?- 4.13rated: 4.13/5
- by Quizz9016
Discover which country best matches your personality with this fun and insightful quiz! Answer 19 unique questions to reveal which nation's culture, vSparking
Which Hindu God or Goddess are you?- 4.04rated: 4.04/5
- by Mythologyfreak
- Hinduism
Have you ever wondered about Hindus and their beliefs? People from India? Have you ever wondered about their mythology? Non-Hindus may think hinduismSparking
The Ultimate Ethics Quiz- 3.42rated: 3.42/5
- by Marcus
Ethics are the foundation of any good civilization. Virtues like The Golden Rule should be the base of everyone's' lives and daily actions, but, unfor
The Next Hottest, #31 - #40
Why Have You Never Had A Boyfriend?- 3.82rated: 3.82/5
- by leatherjacket
- Dating
Have you ever pondered on why you are still single? And why you have never had an official boyfriend? Well wonder no more because the answer to your pSparking
Does He Really Love Me? (Very Accurate)- 3.67rated: 3.67/5
- by Savannah Lea Livengood
- Dating
Are you in a relationship and wondering "Does He Really Love Me?" Well, if so, you came to the right quiz! My quiz is actually 99.99% accurate and itSparking
Are You An Introvert, Ambivert, Extrovert, Or Shy?- 4.15rated: 4.15/5
- by N?A
- Personality
Many people confuse introversion with being shy. They aren't the same thing, though many introverts do tend to be shy. An introvert is someone who likSparking
Who Is Your Percy Jackson Boyfriend?- 4.11rated: 4.11/5
- by @leo.the.demigod
- Percy Jackson Characters
The Percy Jackson books were/are amazing! If you were part of the story, who would you date? Percy? Jason? Leo? Frank? You will probably never know, uSparking
What is your angel number?- 3.56rated: 3.56/5
- by thrutheeyesofraven
Have you ever wondered what angel number you have? Do you notice odd or recurring number sequences? Do you find yourself going insane at the amount ofSparking
Would Denki Kaminari Date You- 4.6rated: 4.6/5
- by Jamie Black
This quiz is based off of a hit anime called 'My Hero Academia'. Denki Kaminari is a young man with no fear. He loves his friends and will help anyoneSparking
Your Swag Bungou Stray Dogs Kin Assignment- 4.35rated: 4.35/5
- by swag shawty bruh
- Anime
This is an anime quiz, but even so, you do not need any knowledge of anime. I did this so that you non-anime watchers (excluding certain people) couldSparking
The true Therian quiz.- 4.03rated: 4.03/5
- by Soren
- Therian
Therians are rare, special, individuals whom deserve nothing more or less then respect. I, myself am a Wolf therian and have been searching for real,Sparking
Which Christian denomination do you belong to?- 3.54rated: 3.54/5
- by Rhyfelwyr
- Christianity
There are hundreds of denominations within Christianity, each with their own unique views and history. Ever since the early sixteenth century and theSparking
Who is your anime boyfriend?- 3.79rated: 3.79/5
- by Teddiursa
- Anime
No where else will you find so many solid archetypes than in anime. They never fail us. We've seen the many dere's in action, now what about the gentl