Ravenclaw_Kisa's Profile
Joined on Jan 2, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
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Ravenclaw_Kisa's Quizzes
- Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions)[published: Jan 01, 2014, 1132 comments]
This is the Pottermore Sorting Hat test as seen in Pottermore. This has all……
Ravenclaw_Kisa's Recent Posts
"Yeah, that's what I had to do. I was hoping that I could unlock a feature to add more options, but it's good to know I did all I could with ..."
"I'm new to the forums, so I don't know if a thread like this will be welcomed. If not, I'm sorry, but I didn't see anything against this in ..."
Ravenclaw_Kisa's Recent Quiz Comments
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"I took the test and got a 0% on everything, and there is a ton of spelling errors, also: what is with all of the long chains of random…"
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"86% Fire, 85% Water .. It's like I'm fighting myself."
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"Ravenclaw for life"
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"88% on Ravenclaw, forever a Ravenclaw. "