Christianity Quizzes
Christianity is the world's largest religion. Believers follow the gospel of Jesus Christ and the text of the Christian Bible. Do you consider yourself an expert on Christianity? Our Christian quizzes will test your knowledge of the Christian faith. Go ahead and explore them all.
Our Christianity Quiz List
- Which Christian denomination do you belong to?[by: Rhyfelwyr, rated: 3.54rated: 3.54/5, published: Sep 18, 2008]
There are hundreds of denominations within Christianity, each with their own unique views and history. Ever since the early sixteenth century and the…
- What denomination is most similar to me?[by: Alejandro Najera, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: Nov 19, 2021]
This quiz was created for those of you, like me once, were unsure of where they belonged in the Christian faith. Sometimes non-denominationalism suits people,…
- Which Christian Denomination?[by: Hyreon, rated: 3.93rated: 3.93/5, published: Apr 1, 2023]
A quiz without deep theological questions to determine which Christian denomination lines up with your current understanding.Note there are some things we are…
- Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse[by: Smithy, rated: 3.24rated: 3.24/5, published: May 1, 2006]
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are described in the Book of Revelation. They will ride during the Apocalypse when the seven seals are opened, resulting…
- How Episcopalian Are You?[by: Religious Joe, rated: 2.92rated: 2.92/5, published: Sep 14, 2011]
Episcopalians are an interesting and distinctive bunch. They are very committed to tradition, yet may be theologically liberal. Episcopalian churches are…
- What religion are you? (Christian denominations)[by: Jeremy Alexander, rated: 2.7rated: 2.7/5, published: Oct 31, 2008]
Take some take this quiz! This quiz isn't going to prove whether you are a Christian or not, it's just for fun! So,see if you are up to par with…
- Which Gospel is Best for You?[by: Fr. Victor Feltes, rated: 4.39rated: 4.39/5, published: Dec 7, 2010]
Many people are interested in exploring the Gospels but they don't know where to start! There's Matthew, Mark, Like and John, but which book is right for…
- Calvinist or Arminian?[by: Ben Booth, rated: 4.34rated: 4.34/5, published: Jan 5, 2015]
Many people have argued God's sovereignty vs. man's free will for ages. I'm talking about Calvinism vs. Arminiansm. Which is true? Does God predestine or do…
- What Type of Calvinist Am I?[by: Donald Trump, rated: 4.23rated: 4.23/5, published: Jun 25, 2022]
This quiz is partly serious and partly a meme. There will be a variety of questions on systematic theology. The majority of the questions are about the 5…
- How Strongly Do You Trust God[by: ForeverSurrender, rated: 4.19rated: 4.19/5, published: Sep 6, 2016]
*CHRISTIAN TEST* This is a quiz that can help you determine how much you really trust in Jesus. We all have struggles in our walk, but sometimes it's good to…
- With Which Christian Denomination do your views most align?[by: R. F. Lyle, rated: 4.19rated: 4.19/5, published: Sep 25, 2019]
Answer questions about your views on faith to find out which denomination is right for you.
- What kind of Anglican are you?[by: Christopher Samsom, rated: 4.17rated: 4.17/5, published: Apr 3, 2020]
Anglicanism is a rich communion of faith with a great variety of people and gifts represented in it. This quiz is a fun way to reflect on what might be…
- ¿De que denominacion cristiana eres?[by: Victor Pacheco, rated: 4.1rated: 4.1/5, published: Apr 17, 2020]
Desde siempre la iglesia de Cristo ha sido variada en creencias secundarias y practicas, y a partir del siglo XVI esas diferencias han tomado nombre, que…
- What kind of Christian are You?[by: Natasha, rated: 3.91rated: 3.91/5, published: Nov 21, 2007]
85% of Americans affiliate themselves with the Christian religion but unfortunately a great number of those can name more brand names of beer than they can…
- Which section of the Bible should you read?[by: Irish_Willow, rated: 3.8rated: 3.8/5, published: May 14, 2008]
There are many books in the Bible. They can be placed in different categories, or sections, each with a different purpose or subject. There are five such…
- What is Your Spiritual Gift?[by: Caitlin, rated: 3.75rated: 3.75/5, published: Dec 12, 2006]
The spiritual gifts covered are hospitality, teaching, serving, leadership, giving, evangelism, encouragement, and administration. Which is yours?
- Calvinism vs Arminianism Spectrum[by: Ben Booth, rated: 3.72rated: 3.72/5, published: May 20, 2015]
There are many view points on how a sinner is saved. Does man have a free will? Or does God predestine who will be saved and who will go to hell? Or is there…
- What Kind Of Christian Are You?[by: Eric Hossner, rated: 3.71rated: 3.71/5, published: Nov 3, 2015]
Where do you fall on a spectrum of liberal vs fundamentalist Christianity? Find out.
- What Percentage Christian are You?[by: Becky, rated: 3.69rated: 3.69/5, published: Jul 31, 2007]
There are many people in this world who claim they are Christians. Well, I just wanted to see how surprised people are when they take this quiz. I just asked…
- Are you a God's child?[by: Flory, rated: 3.66rated: 3.66/5, published: Apr 20, 2012]
The motivation of this quiz was because I just took a Christian quiz and I sow they really know nothing about Jesus and bible. Many people don't even know if…
- Christian Theology Quiz[by: trsdrgn, rated: 3.59rated: 3.59/5, published: Jun 25, 2009]
In Christian theology there are three main competing systems of doctrine: Calvinism, Arminianism, and Pelagianism. Where do you fit?
- How Lutheran Are You?[by: Rik Eischen, rated: 3.51rated: 3.51/5, published: Oct 25, 2006]
You may be Lutheran, but if you aren't, that's no reason for not taking this quiz. I hope you have fun figuring out the answers to see just how Lutheran you…
- What denomination am I quiz?[by: Alejandro Najera, rated: 4.5rated: 4.5/5, published: Mar 23, 2022]
This quiz was created for those of you, like me once, were unsure of where they belonged in the Christian faith. Sometimes non-denominationalism suits people,…
- What Christian Song Do You NEED To Listen To?[by: abi, rated: 4.43rated: 4.43/5, published: Jan 15, 2022]
If you need encouragement, I have some songs that might provide that for you. These results are based on your needs and your relationship with God. Some of…
- Which Christian Denomination am I[by: CT, rated: 4.42rated: 4.42/5, published: Oct 3, 2022]
This is a quiz to show which Christian denomination you are. I have chosen to include groups like the Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses in the quiz, even though…
- Jesus of Nazareth Quiz[by: Dravy, rated: 4.4rated: 4.4/5, published: Dec 2, 2022]
Jesus of Nazareth is a common popular historical man found in many religions, art, and cultures: the film mass culture has received popularity due to the…
- Are you a Pentecostal?[by: Brooke, rated: 4.34rated: 4.34/5, published: Apr 27, 2015]
Acts 2:38 KJV [38] Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall…
- Light Em Up! How Much Of a Jesus Freak Are You?[by: Avery Lionheart, rated: 3.8rated: 3.8/5, published: Jul 23, 2022]
Jesus said that in the End Times, there will be liars, haters, adulterers, false prophets, witches, murderers, and much more wickedness in the world. BUT. He…
- Which christian denomination is right for me?[by: Mr. Izibizyspider, rated: 3.47rated: 3.47/5, published: Jan 8, 2020]
Have you ever wondered, which christian denomination fits most your personality as well as your theology? This quiz will help you to find the church that most…
- Praise & Worship[by: Shelena, rated: 3.4rated: 3.4/5, published: Apr 11, 2008]
There are many praisers, but few worshippers of God. Are you one today? God is looking for true worship. What is the point? Find out for yourself, and see if…
- What Christian Denomination are you?[by: Robert, rated: 3.25rated: 3.25/5, published: May 19, 2009]
What is your denomination of Christianity. Are you Catholic, Episcopalian, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Orthodox, Baptist, or Anabaptist? God Bless
- Episcopal Church Trivia[by: AJ, rated: 3.23rated: 3.23/5, published: Aug 3, 2007]
A lot of people are curious about the Episcopal Church. This quiz will help you test out your knowledge or brush up on what you learned in confirmation classes!
- Orthodox Christianity Quiz[by: Scott Michael, rated: 3.22rated: 3.22/5, published: Apr 15, 2007]
The Orthodox Church is the oldest Christian Church in existence. In the West, it is pretty much unknown even to this day. It is a church completely different…
- Do You Have Biblical Morals?[by: Jim Pyle, rated: 3.15rated: 3.15/5, published: Jan 9, 2009]
It is often said that morality comes from the bible, or that it contains parables about morality that should guide us today. But do you really understand the…
- How Fundamentalist Are You?[by: Jacqueline, rated: 3.11rated: 3.11/5, published: Nov 17, 2006]
Are you a Christian Fundamentalist? Do you think that your religion is the only one, the only way of thinking? Find out how Christian you really are - and…
- What kind of Episcopalian are you?[by: John M. Hair, rated: 3.1rated: 3.1/5, published: Jan 15, 2007]
There are many Anglican/Episcopalians out there. Ever wonder what kind you are? Anglo-Catholic, High Church, maybe evangelical? Well heres your chance to find…
- Which Biblical Worshipper is Most Like You?[by: Emily, rated: 3.05rated: 3.05/5, published: Feb 26, 2011]
Knowing the Biblical worshiper that we are like helps us to be aware of our strengths and weaknesses. It helps us appreciate our unique voice while helping us…
- How CofE are you?[by: Archbishop Cranmer, rated: 2.92rated: 2.92/5, published: Nov 21, 2013]
There is only one Church of England and Mother of the Anglican Communion. It has a statutory responsibility to minister to the whole nation, but its history,…
- Know Your Lutheran Hymnals?[by: JG Eklund, rated: 2.88rated: 2.88/5, published: Feb 2, 2007]
Think you know your Lutheran hymnals? Try this quiz to see. Any Lutheran can come in and try, whether you're a seminarian, organist or a church pew potato!
- What Bible character are You[by: Jay, rated: 2.87rated: 2.87/5, published: Feb 22, 2008]
Every wondered what character from the bible is most like you? Well probably not, but maybe, anyway now you can in this simple and easy quiz that anyone can…
- How much of a cheesy Christian are you?[by: jonsanders, rated: 2.8rated: 2.8/5, published: Nov 17, 2013]
How much of a cheesy Christian are you? There are many and they live, breathe and worship in churches throughout the land. Where would we be without them?
- What Kind Of Life Do You Live?[by: Leslie Joy, rated: 2.79rated: 2.79/5, published: Nov 7, 2006]
There are many people out there that believe they are a Christian, but don't necessarily live for Christ. A true Christian is someone that has a personal…
- What kind of Christian are you?[by: Tim Wallach, rated: 2.77rated: 2.77/5, published: Dec 12, 2006]
There are many Christians in the world, but not so many who know where the belong in the church body. So what is a true Christian any way. A Christ follower,…
- How Baptist Are You?[by: Brandon, rated: 2.76rated: 2.76/5, published: Nov 19, 2006]
There are many people who consider themselves baptist. Baptists are, after all, quite cool. If you answer these questions it will reveal the inner baptist…
- In Which Circle of Hell Would You Reside?[by: Doug B, rated: 2.74rated: 2.74/5, published: Nov 16, 2006]
This is based on Dante's Inferno - a medieval poem based on the author's journey through Hell. It is a metaphor of course and not to be taken literally. It…
- Are you a Casual Christian or a Die-Hard Christer?[by: Reed Braden, rated: 2.71rated: 2.71/5, published: Dec 3, 2006]
WARNING: The quiz results are accurate, but they are written by an Atheist. If your dogma (2 Cor. 6:14) prohibits you from fraternizing with such godless…
- Which of the 7 Deadly Sins are you?[by: Rhyain Fenton, rated: 2.68rated: 2.68/5, published: Jul 13, 2006]
Ever heard of the 7 Deadly Sins? pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth. They can show how much each of these sins are used through you; for…
- What Terrace Of Purgatory Do You Need The Most?[by: Mark, rated: 2.63rated: 2.63/5, published: Jan 1, 2007]
Those of us who make it to Heaven, have to go through all the terraces of Purgatory before entering. But there is only ONE that we need the most. But what…
- How reformed evangelical are you?[by: vermiglio, rated: 2.6rated: 2.6/5, published: Mar 24, 2023]
Hello there! In this quiz, there will be a variety of questions to test how reformed evangelical you are. The questions are a combination of biblical,…
- Are You A Hypocrite?[by: Concerned Citizen, rated: 2.06rated: 2.06/5, published: Jul 19, 2009]
Most people who claim to be Christians, actually do things that are not very Christ like. They don't want to admit it, but they are not true Christians, but…
- Are you a true disciple of Christ?[by: Tinlong, rated: 2rated: 2/5, published: May 14, 2021]
This simple quiz reveals your knowledge in Christ's teachings and your commitment to God's commandments. Please take this quiz with an open heart. Don't feel…
- How Much Do You Know About United Methodism?[by: Edith Langham, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: Jun 18, 2013]
United Methodism is a fascinating religion, one that has connections to many other denominations and countries around the globe. It has a fabulous history and…
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