What is Your Spiritual Gift?

Ever wondered what spiritual gift you have? Ever wondered if you even have one? The answer is that if you are a Christian, you have a spiritual gift. All spiritual gifts can be found in the church. They help form the body of Christ, and without each other, they do not fulfill their full potential.

The spiritual gifts that this quiz will cover are hospitality, teaching, serving, leadership, giving, evangelism, encouragement, and administration. A few other gifts include mercy and faith. Just because this quiz says something, does not necessarily mean that it is your spiritual gift. You should try out other things, too.

Created by: Caitlin

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  1. If you were asked to do something at church, you'd pick...
  2. You recently had a fulfilling experience...
  3. At your youth group or school, you're usually asked to...
  4. Which of the following do you find yourself doing almost without thinking about it?
  5. As your think about the future, you could easily see yourself...
  6. Others have told you that...
  7. You LOVE to...
  8. You don't usually have trouble...
  9. In what area would you most like to grow?
  10. When you think about what you're passionate about, you think of...
  11. When you think about your environment (your room, locker, computer desk, etc.), you think about...
  12. What is the one fact you'd like to impress upon your friends?
  13. Which of the following makes you angry?
  14. This week you'd like to...
  15. Okay, what is one gift you've always wanted God to develop in you?
  16. What is one gift you see at work in your life right now?
  17. In order to be truly effective in the profession you'd like to choose someday, what gift do you think is most important?

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Quiz topic: What is my Spiritual Gift?