Religion & Spirituality Quizzes
This is our top level category for quizzes on religion. If you are interested in exploring various faiths, or simply testing your knowledge of your own religious belief, these will be helpful resources. We have a number of sub-categories for various religions as well.
Our Quizzes on Religion & Spirituality
- How Tao Art Thou?[by: Dr. Philip Bonifonte, rated: 3.05rated: 3.05/5, published: Jul 8, 2006]
"Taoists come in all shapes, sizes, colors, genders, nationalities...but what IS a Taoist? One of the "Big Three" native belief systems of China, Taoism…
- Is There An Angel Watching Over You?[by: Kish, rated: 4.06rated: 4.06/5, published: Jul 12, 2013]
Religious believers have different views on these powerful beings. Find out what sort of angel watches over you.
- The Religion and Beliefs Conformity Quiz[by: Roh Tae Woo, rated: 4.01rated: 4.01/5, published: Apr 3, 2021]
Thank you so much for taking this quiz! I sincerely hope you find it fruitful. If not, I am sorry, and I hope I catch any and all flaws with it in the future.
- How religiously open are you? (Religious people only)[by: Anonymous_Agnostic, rated: 3.67rated: 3.67/5, published: Nov 25, 2016]
Religious people are often either extremely closed-minded or extremely open-minded, although there are some mixes. Unfortunately, for many people it means…
- Going to Heaven? Or to Hell?[by: Peter Principle, rated: 3.48rated: 3.48/5, published: May 18, 2009]
The eternal fate of your soul... no biggie, right? Haha! Actually, this may be the most important test you ever take in your entire life. I am not…
- The Religious Identity Test[by: Dave, rated: 3.31rated: 3.31/5, published: Apr 4, 2007]
Many people never give much thought to their religious identity, but in fact our views on religion say a lot about us. What are your views on religion, and…
- What Religion Would Accept You[by: Magnanimousjoe, rated: 3.22rated: 3.22/5, published: Jun 19, 2008]
What religion would accept the kind of scum who surf the internet in search of quizzes? I know you want to know. Because I'm omniscient narrator Joe. And now…
- Who's That Fundamentalist?[by: Atheist Exile, rated: 3.07rated: 3.07/5, published: Jun 4, 2010]
There are many religious folks who have become famous for their fundamentalist beliefs. Whether they're Protestants, Catholics or Muslims, it's amazing how…
- Religious Literacy[by: Mike Little, rated: 2.96rated: 2.96/5, published: Apr 7, 2007]
There are many religious people out there, but few have knowledge OF religion. Even the one they claim. Do you know your Religion? Do you know your friends?…
- Which God or Goddess Are You Like?[by: sithrules, rated: 2.92rated: 2.92/5, published: Apr 25, 2007]
There are people out there who don't know how much we resemble our creators. They go on living thinking that we just came to be. That's not the case. We are…
- Zoroastrianism Quiz[by: Double E, rated: 2.89rated: 2.89/5, published: Nov 25, 2015]
Do you know some basic facts about Zoroastrianism? See how many you can get right.
- How evil are you?[by: AngelZlayer, rated: 2.09rated: 2.09/5, published: Jul 2, 2006]
The world has 2 sides: Good and Evil, light and darkness, love and hate, yin and yang. There are those who fight to make the world a better place, and then…
Buddhism Quizzes
- What Will You Reincarnate As?[by: Master Zen, rated: 3.79rated: 3.79/5, published: Feb 20, 2019]
Welcome. Are you interested in how your actions today will shape your future tomorrow? You came to the right place. In life, we all have choices, so choose…
- Which Bodhisattva Are You?[by: Heidi, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: Jan 28, 2013]
A bodhisattva is any person who is a spiritual being. Bodhisattvas are sometimes termed the gods of Buddhism, but we all exhibit bodhisattva traits. There…
- Do You Know About Buddhism[by: Lee Rivera, rated: 2.92rated: 2.92/5, published: May 3, 2009]
Take the quiz and test yourself! Remember: When the mind begins to become still, we then begin to truly see it. When you first try to stabilize and pacify the…
- Buddhist Revision Guide 1: Buddha begins![by: Anna P, rated: 2.76rated: 2.76/5, published: Feb 19, 2007]
OK ... I created this quiz so me and my friends could revise the Buddhism section for our R.E GCSEs... but if anyone else thinks that they want to see if they…
- Are You Buddhist[by: Ian, rated: 2.56rated: 2.56/5, published: Aug 25, 2007]
Buddhists around the world think they have grasped the concept of their religion. Although it is not the most complex religion, it can make the common scholar…
Christianity Quizzes
Find them on our Christianity page.
Esoteric and Occult Quizzes
- Are you a Dreamwalker?[by: CalmB4TheStorm, rated: 4.15rated: 4.15/5, published: May 17, 2015]
Have you ever had a dream that jolted you awake, sweating and heart racing? Have you ever seen inexplicable shadows flit by the edge of your vision? Do people…
- What occult power best suits you?[by: Brandon, rated: 3.32rated: 3.32/5, published: May 13, 2006]
There are many powers of the mind. Which one best suits you?
- Are You Clairvoyant?[by: Kaylor, rated: 3.25rated: 3.25/5, published: Oct 28, 2015]
Test your level of clairvoyance by whether you can correctly identify what the quiz maker was thinking.
- Which Zodiac Sign Are You?[by: Shimmers, rated: 3.09rated: 3.09/5, published: Sep 4, 2014]
Which Zodiac Sign Are You? This quiz was made to give you an accurate result of what your true zodiac sign is. Your actual zodiac sign may or may not be your…
Hinduism Quizzes
- Which Mahabharata character are you in today's world?[by: MJ, rated: 4.24rated: 4.24/5, published: Apr 23, 2020]
Hello guys!! This is a fun activity to know the inner character in you. This quiz is designed to find out which personality from the great era of Mahabharat…
- Which Hindu God or Goddess are you?[by: Mythologyfreak, rated: 4.04rated: 4.04/5, published: Jan 25, 2011]
Have you ever wondered about Hindus and their beliefs? People from India? Have you ever wondered about their mythology? Non-Hindus may think hinduism is…
- Which of the Hindu deities are you?[by: The otter, rated: 4.62rated: 4.62/5, published: Aug 23, 2012]
The Hindu religion is known for their eccentric deities. Whether it be many arms or blue skin, there's even a god with an elephant head. So ever wonder which…
Islam Quizzes
Find them on our Islam page.
Judaism Quizzes
- How religious are you (only for Judaism)?[by: Mark, rated: 3.36rated: 3.36/5, published: Jan 28, 2007]
There are many Jewish people. But only half are very religious. Some may be going to Hebrew school, getting a Hebrew name, and getting a Bar/Bat mitzvah,…
- What Rabbinic School Do You Belong To?[by: doomsayer, rated: 3.15rated: 3.15/5, published: Jan 31, 2008]
Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Ishmael symbolize two fields of thought in Jewish theology. For over a millennium and a half, their ideologies have clashed against one…
- Do you love your synagogue?[by: Rabbi, rated: 2.66rated: 2.66/5, published: Jan 8, 2007]
This quiz will determine how much you like your synagogue. This test will reflect upon your personality and will give you tips on how to improve your feelings…
- How Jewish Are You[by: XDD, rated: 2.64rated: 2.64/5, published: Feb 28, 2008]
Are you Jewish, maybe you are and if you are you will probably do well on this test. Because you have studied this for at leat five years and also because…
New Age Quizzes
Find them on our New Age page.
Pagan Quizzes
Find them on our Pagan page.
Unitarianism and Universalism Quizzes
- How UU are you?[by: Pierce Phillips, rated: 3.18rated: 3.18/5, published: Feb 21, 2007]
There are many religious beliefs in this world. Where do yours fall on the scale of tolerance and open-mindedness? Do you think that only your faith has…
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