would i like you? :D

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UH, my name online is skoopi! i am a girl, and i like anime! But not as much bc i have kind of strict parents. Mobpsycho100, hxh, one piece are peak bro. alien stage is so good, i love it so much, till and ivan my beloveds!!!

uh, i draw, ive been told that my drawings are very good, but i just believe their decent. uhh my friends i have currently are just so great, id do anything for them.

Created by: skoopi
  1. do you like anime?
  2. how old?
  3. pick your favorite, which anime do you prefer?
  4. what kind group of animes do you like?
  5. your opinion in bungo stray dogs?
  6. favorite character in hunter x hunter?
  7. opinion on alien stage. (it's lowkey ok if you dont know about it heheh)
  8. would you make funny romantic jokes to your bestest friends?
  9. how would you communicate with your friends during the teacher teachin?
  10. if you had the chance, where would you go shopping after school with friends?
  11. when do you sleep on a school night?
  12. your at a sleepover with you bestest friends, what would you do?
  13. is this quiz for you?
  14. your very interactive today and your friend is talking to her lover, what would you do?
  15. your friend is very upset, you found out her lover broke up with her. what would you do?
  16. what would you do with your friend (if you had roblox) on roblox.
  17. do you have an oc?
  18. favorite color?(bc of the limit of answers i can only put, i just made my life easier)
  19. if you had strict parents-or already have, im sorry- would you-
  20. if your friend gotten soaked by some meanies, or cars or whatever, what would you do?
  21. if your friend wanted you jacket, coat, hoodie, sweater, or whatever, would you give it to them?
  22. uhh last one, if you were in a friend group, would you have that one friend that your terribly close to?

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