Which underrated anime should you watch? [REMASTERED]

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Once again, a quiz dedicated to the anime that deserve more attention, of course, here barely a handful of these hidden gems could fit and there are hundreds or even thousands of anime that deserve more attention waiting to be discovered. As for those who may not know what anime is, it is japanese animation ranging from shows for kids to shows for adults, anime has a diverse range of genres, and even some its own genres.

And now, let's start this quiz, based of your answers and preferences, the quiz will tell you what you could watch next, and which anime you would most likely enjoy. Let's begin!

Created by: Someone Out There
  1. What is it that you look for in anime?
  2. Pick a genre:
  3. What setting are you looking for?
  4. Which of these would you enjoy the most?
  5. Romance or action?
  6. Likeable or deep characters?
  7. What sort of vibe would you like the anime to have (visually)?
  8. Pick a japanese word:
  9. What story does sound the best?
  10. How long would you like the anime?
  11. How many main characters would you like the series to have?
  12. How fast would you like the pacing to be?
  13. What is a thing you DON'T want the series to have?

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Quiz topic: Which underrated anime should I watch? [REMASTERED]
