what Pro hero are you? (my hero academia)

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yes this is the best informationMy Hero Academia is a popular anime and manga series set in a world where the majority of the population possesses superpowers, known as Quirks. The story follows Izuku Midoriya, a Quirkless boy who dreams of becoming a hero, as he gains the ability to inherit the powerful Quirk, One For All, from the legendary hero All Might. The narrative explores themes of heroism, self-discovery, and the importance of friendship as Izuku enrolls in U.A. High School, a prestigious academy for aspiring heroes. Throughout the series, viewers witness the growth and challenges faced by Izuku and his classmates as they strive to become professional heroes while confronting various villains. My Hero Academia combines action, character development, and moral dilemmas, creating an engaging and inspiring storyline.

Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun is a supernatural manga and anime series that follows the story of Nene Yashiro, a high school student who encounters Hanako-kun, a ghost rumored to haunt the school's bathroom. Together, they embark on adventures to manage and resolve various supernatural occurrences within their school, exploring themes of friendship, mystery, and the afterlife. The series combines elements of comedy, horror, and fantasy, creating a unique and engaging narrative.

Created by: HoomanBeing
  1. u are
  2. coffee yes? or coffee no?
  3. you like
  4. yes
  5. you do _____ when bored
  6. the perfect day is
  7. color
  8. you care about
  9. meme
  10. music

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Quiz topic: What Pro hero am I? (my hero academia)
