How Embarrassing are your Parents?

Do parents embarrass you to the max? Or are you just over exaggerating?...Do they love to shop at walmart? Is that where they get all their clothes? Do they try to sound cool like your buds?

Well these are just a few question? Take the quiz and find out if you are free to be or if you need to lock yourself in the closet and never be seen again? Take the quiz to find out?

Created by: Natasha
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is their typical apparel?
  2. Do they still call you by your baby names Example: Buggy Boo, Little Johnny, Baby cakes
  3. Which do you hear the most?
  4. Which music do they listen to?
  5. Is their favorite dish Tv Dinners?
  6. Do they try to hang out with your friends?
  7. Do they refer to things as hip, groovy, rad.
  8. What do you fight about the most?
  9. When you were kid, what vehicle did they pick you up from school in.
  10. Do they have a special cream for everything!
  11. Do you still see them walk around in their underwear?
  12. Do they talk about what they did in the bathroom?
  13. Are they famous for their jam?
  14. Where do they buy their clothes
  15. Do they have a cool job...or one you dont tell people about?
  16. Do they treat you as if you were six years old still
  17. Do they have to get all dressed up for a quick run to go to WalMart
  18. Do they talk to you about ooshy gooshy stuff about their mate that you do not want to hear?
  19. Are their pants always hi-waters?
  20. Do they wear depends?

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Quiz topic: How Embarrassing am Ir Parents?