What is your Harry Potter Hogwarts house?

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This quiz is for all y’all out there wanting a fairly accurate quiz to figure out your Harry Potter house!! Some of the answer now that I think about it are a little obvious so sorry in advance!

So having said that, this is really just for fun, so if you don’t agree with your results maybe take it again or just say huh, that didn’t work, and move on please!! Thanks to anyone who takes this!

Created by: Makayla
  1. What would you say are your hobbies out of these? (Check all that apply)
  2. What is your greatest weakness?
  3. A real brain teaser for ya: my first reaction to screaming from an unknown person/place is:
  4. Ok how often do you just sit and contemplate life lol? (Please be honest)
  5. What would you say is your greatest strength! (Yes, you have one, and you might not know it, but I don’t know you and I can say you are very talented in some way everyone is!!)
  6. What is most appealing to you?
  7. What do you think you might wanna be when you grow up out of these?
  8. What sounds most pleasing as an animal pet for ya?
  9. Do ya enjoy school? Really think about this one
  10. Finally, what makes you more scared than anything?

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Quiz topic: What is my Harry Potter Hogwarts house?
