How Fundamentalist Are You?

Are you a Christian Fundamentalist? Do you think that your religion is the only one, the only way of thinking? Find out how Christian you really are - and then let everyone else know, too!

In ten short questions, you can find out if you're an atheist or a fundamentalist - or maybe even something in between... and you might even determine how liberal you are with your beliefs.

Created by: Jacqueline

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do you feel when a *heathen* denies the existence of your God?
  2. When the subject of evolution arises, you feel...
  3. The Bible is...
  4. Speaking in tongues is...
  5. Sinning consists of...
  6. If you don't get "saved" you're going to end up...
  7. Other world religions are...
  8. What is your idea of scintillating reading?
  9. Christmas is a holiday to celebrate...
  10. When a missionary comes to your door, you...

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Quiz topic: How Fundamentalist am I?