Jesus of Nazareth Quiz

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Jesus of Nazareth is a common popular historical man found in many religions, art, and cultures: the film mass culture has received popularity due to the films centering the life of Jesus as depicted in the movies and even novels.

Christianity is the foundation on where Jesus, himself, is heavily exaggerated and worshipped where he is the supreme. The only true different human, the only true way to God.

Created by: Dravy
  1. Christianity developed out of which of these areas?
  2. Jesus was born in which estimated birth year?
  3. To whom of these historical people are known as the biological father of Jesus?
  4. What place was Jesus of Nazareth buried at?
  5. The Muslim view of Jesus states that.....
  6. Of which of these ethnicities did Jesus be a part of?
  7. Is the New Testament the only second part of the Bible where Jesus was first mentioned?
  8. According to Christianity, is Jesus the true and only messiah?
  9. Speaking historically and culturally accurate, what race was Jesus most likely?
  10. Whom is the founder of Christianity?
  11. Which of these Roman leaders had Jesus murdered as their direct lawful order?
  12. What type of nationality method did crucifixion derive from?
  13. The Bible lists Jesus as to what relation of the people listed below....?
  14. Which one would be the most correct of the words that Jesus said as he died on the cross?
  15. And lastly, what was Jesus's cause of death?

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