Light Em Up! How Much Of a Jesus Freak Are You?

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Jesus said that in the End Times, there will be liars, haters, adulterers, false prophets, witches, murderers, and much more wickedness in the world. BUT. He also said that He has an army: the Jesus Freaks!

We are the Jesus Freaks! I am a Jesus Freak. Are YOU truly one? Let's find out! And be sure to talk to the Holy Spirit about your result, and be prepared for a little bit of offense.

Created by: Avery Lionheart
  1. How often do you read the Bible?
  2. Who is the Holy Spirit in your definition?
  3. How often do you see miracles?
  4. Do you believe that God still does miracles?
  5. How often do you pray?
  6. Can Christians drive out demons?
  7. Do you believe that YOU can be anointed by the Holy Spirit and receive spiritual gifts (discerning of spirits, tongues, prophesy, word of knowledge, etc.)?
  8. Be honest. Are you fully surrendered to Jesus?
  9. What is your opinion about same-sex marriage?
  10. What do you think of abortion?
  11. How many genders are there supposed to be?
  12. How often do you hear from God?
  13. Do you really, truly, in your heart believe in Jesus?
  14. Do you believe that you have authority over the devil?
  15. How often do you stand up for your beliefs?
  16. OK, this is kinda a weird question, but answer honestly. Are you mad at God?
  17. Do you believe that everything that happens is God's will?
  18. How often do you go to Church?
  19. Do you believe that you can change the world?
  20. I feel like I'm gonna get some complaints on this quiz. That's because this quiz is meant to convince the people who are stuck in flawed mindsets and help them come to a place where they can be called a Jesus freak. Please don't get too mad about this quiz when you get your result. Have a great day!

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Quiz topic: Light Em Up! How Much Of a Jesus Freak am I?
