Who is your Heroes of Olympus boyfriend ( Girls Only!)

Ever wonder who your dream HHO boyfriend is? Well here’s the quiz for you! This quiz is my first one (don’t judge) and I did my best on it so I hope you like it

I hope you like my quiz I thought long and hard on this and hope you like it! I love Percy Jackson so much and I keep rereading the books. I hope you love Percy Jackson as much as I do.

Created by: April
  1. Who is your godly parent
  2. What is your favorite color
  3. What element
  4. Which book is your favorite
  5. What do you do with your free time
  6. Do you do sports
  7. Greek or Roman
  8. Did you like this quiz? (It’s my first one!)
  9. How big is your friend group
  10. How many times have you read PJ / HHO

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Quiz topic: Who is my Heroes of Olympus boyfriend ( Girls Only!) You can find more quizzes like this one in our Characters Quiz category.
