In Which Circle of Hell Would You Reside?

This is based on Dante's Inferno - a medieval poem based on the author's journey through Hell. It is a metaphor of course and not to be taken literally. It does give a lot of food for thought though.

This is my first quiz so don't freak out if you end up in the wrong circle. Also keep in mind that ALL people deserve Hell - those who go to heaven are not better people, they have simply accepted God's escape plan (1 Corinthians 15).

Created by: Doug B of
(your link here more info)
  1. Which best describes your reaction to sexual temptation?
  2. When you see good food you . . .
  3. Which best describes your habits concerning your possessions.
  4. Which best describes your reaction to emotional situations?
  5. When it comes to matters of spirituality . . .
  6. You are more likely to
  7. Falsehood is . . .
  8. I would be more likely to betray . . .
  9. Your relationship with God is . . .
  10. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He dies for my sins, was buried and raised again on the third day, and resurrected from the dead proving Who He was.

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