In Which Circle of Hell Would You Reside? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz In Which Circle of Hell Would You Reside?
Circle four. Huh. I considered myself a circle two type of person... Whatever. Guys who trashed the quiz, this is from an epic poem written hundereds of years ago in a Europe ruled by the Catholic Church. They were stricter times. It's for fun, guys. Don't take it personally.
so gluttony (ironic because Im underweight, yeah I try to eat food if its there and I kinda need to eat stuff)
and deception...yeah I could see that
but hey
*throws book at you*
The 48 Laws of Power
*throws another book*The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success
Yeah, Im a Christian. Read the books, b----es, then talk to me about deception lol
Circle six and seven, both were completely full without an ounce of white, so yeah, i have no clue what seven is, six is the heretic thing, so im a heretic and whatever the seventh circle is at the same time, i think?
Roanark1 -
Your Result: Circle Five
The Wrathful or Sullen: You either could not control your animal passions or had none. You will be in the River Styx - either fighting or simply sinking to the bottom
O.o I took the quiz but I'm not christain, I just took it for fun ^.~
saraQ81 -
Circle six,I guess I'm a heretic. It depends on the situation honestly. If I don't have a good relationship with them then yeah I can be a heretic most likely.
Zimswife1 -
I took this quiz for a laugh. Let's see, I'm an Atheist with Pagan parents, I'm a sinner who denies God all of the time... Who's joining me in circle 6 then? (No offence is meant by this comment)
Dayna961 -
WOW, 9 really? The 9nth ring of hell?
Seriously?So maybe I like chocolate here and there and I'm pagan, but I donate money to the homeless and I'm going to school on becoming a biotechnician to cure diseases, that's not cool
hey there. I noticed your comment sounded a little angry. Maybe that's why you are in the 9th ring of HELL.
This test is worthless. It doesn't use enough data to calculate the result. That, and it's written by some extremely judgmental Christian nutbar!
Its not written by someone being judgemental, its just a joke based on some poetry written by Dante, calm down lol
Hello, atheist who took this for fun. Very hilarious. I'll be tossed around physically? Wow, religion, wow.
I answered honestly, got circle 7 and scored very high for circle 5,6,3,8,2 and 9. As an Athiest with a low regard of religion I expected as much.
mterps1 -
knight_templar1099 said:
This test is worthless. It doesn't use enough data to calculate the result. That, and it's written by some extremely judgmental Christian nutbar!
Circle 3 but ther is 1 problem here. In Helheim ther is no circlis Helheim is just the underworld of Hel goddes of the dead. I will not go to Helheim I'm going to Vallhalla.
Norse Pagan 4 life!
Orm1 -
Circle three: somewhat accurate. I good way to pass time. Don't really believe it, since I'm an atheist.
I got 100% and belong in a desert of flaming sand with fire raining down upon me.
Yay Jebus!
His love is everlasting. -
I got circle three, I'm an atheist shoulda scored way higher than that. But I got really high on 7&8 so maybe this test isnt all false
So, if you're open minded about beliefs, you're evil and filled with sin?
Fun, but I'm an agnostic so I don't take it seriously. I'm just a quiz fanatic.
Circle six.
6 6 sick1 -
Six, Seven, and Nine, I hope we have some contract on which days I'll be spending at whose house.
Seventh circle?
For violence.I can see that.Who else is joining me in 7th hell?
Subona1 -
Wow, I got 0% on every single possible result. O.o
Cool, I'm a heretic.
Circle 6. It doesn't sound that bad.... If it weren't for the fact it's on FIRE. I hate the heat; I'd rather be frozen, thankyouverymuch.
I got all but two and five-now I have to read about hell!! I certainly don't want to eat filth!! Yuk! Great quiz!
teddyboo1 -
Circle 2
- 1
- 2