Orthodox Christianity Quiz

The Orthodox Church is the oldest Christian Church in existance. In the West, it is pretty much unknown even to this day. It is a church completely different to any church or "Christian denomination" in the west.

How much do you know about the ancient Orthodox Church? A church that still prescribes fasts? A church where all the senses are engaged during the services? Take this quiz and find out!

Created by: Scott Michael

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In which country did the Orthodox Church begin?
  2. Icons are venerated in Orthodox churches.
  3. Which of these is not a fasting period in the Orthodox Church?
  4. Which of these saints did not write a Liturgy?
  5. What is the correct way to greet an Orthodox priest?
  6. Which of these is not an Orthodox belief about the Virgin Mary?
  7. What foods do Orthodox Christians abstain from when fasting?
  8. When does the Orthodox Church observe the feast of All Saints?
  9. Which prayer is known as the "Prayer of the Heart"?
  10. An Archpriest is to an Archimandrite what a priest is to a?
  11. What is brought forward to be venerated at the end of the Divine Liturgy?
  12. Which of the following was not one of the five ancient Patriarchates?
  13. Who is the current Patriarch of Constantinople?

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