foreveryours's Profile
Joined on Jun 23, 2012
Status Level: Novice
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foreveryours's Quizzes
- Do you have strict parents?[published: Jul 02, 2012, 118 comments]
There are many different types of parents in the world, some are strict, some are average, and the……
- What are you in my life?[published: Jul 01, 2012, 4 comments]
Hey! My name is Hannah Tegan Coppard! You can see a photo of me here. So first of all you're about to……
foreveryours's Recent Posts
"nobody in particular :P"
"So my name is Hannah...5 feet medium-length straight dark-blond hair with a black parting...43 kgs. Umm slight freckles, not much, b..."
foreveryours's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got pretty. Accurate quiz! But maybe next time you shouldn't ask the quiz takers whether they think they're pretty or not. They're…"
1 -
"How funny I am. c: wow I knew it!! This quiz is very accurate and well this quiz should be on the Top 40 Quizzes! If not then whoever…"
1 -
"lol I really do not know coz Im bored and got nothing to do and plus Ive seen quizzes like this and they're very effective :P"
1 -
"wrong i got L-P and my name is hannah D:"