Dating Quizzes
We've got a number of great quizzes on dating. If you are wondering about your particular dating style or what type of guy/girl you would click with, we've got something for you here. Where do you stand on the dating scene?
Our Best Dating Quizzes
- Do You Want A Boyfriend?[by: leatherjacket, rated: 4.37rated: 4.37/5, published: Feb 23, 2013]
This quiz is meant for either gender, however, you must want a boyfriend and not a girlfriend because this is meant for someone who wants a boyfriend. I hope…
- How Long Will This Relationship Last?[by: searchin', rated: 4.36rated: 4.36/5, published: Nov 24, 2007]
~ PLEASE READ THIS IS IMPORTANT ~ This is a quiz, a long one too, that calculates your relationship capability with your partner right now as it is. This is…
- How Much Do You Really Love Him/her?[by: ARi, rated: 4.31rated: 4.31/5, published: Oct 28, 2010]
While in a relationship, everyone wants to believe that they really and truly do love the person they are with, but do you honestly know, for sure? With this…
- Do You Go For Brains or Body?[by: tomboykaitie, rated: 4.3rated: 4.3/5, published: Jan 16, 2011]
This is one of my crappier quizzes, sorry. Hehe. Anyway, do YOU go for brains or body when dating? You may find out here with this quiz! Hope you like!
- What Do Boys Like About You?[by: BonnieCooper, rated: 4.24rated: 4.24/5, published: Jun 30, 2012]
Perhaps you have wondered what does that other girl have that makes all the boys love her while you're still on your own. Or perhaps you don't mind about that…
- Is my Boyfriend a Keeper?[by: Leslie, rated: 4.23rated: 4.23/5, published: Sep 7, 2014]
For dating women who are considering whether or not their current boyfriend is "The One".
- What Type Of Guys Do You Attract?[by: Maddison, rated: 4.13rated: 4.13/5, published: Feb 13, 2009]
There are many types of guys out there. Some are total jerks, and others are kind and caring. What Kind of guy do you attract? Do you like Bad Boys? Or do you…
- Does He Like Me?[by: Sarah, rated: 4.12rated: 4.12/5, published: Aug 30, 2007]
Does he truly like you? Maybe you think about you day and night? Find out!
- How much are you crushing?[by: OmegaWolf, rated: 4.09rated: 4.09/5, published: Jan 1, 2015]
Everyone has had a crush at some point, whether it's a small, medium or large crush. A lot of people may tend to deny that they have one or it was possibly…
- What Type of Guy Is Right For You? Quiz[by: ghostwriter, rated: 4.08rated: 4.08/5, published: Sep 21, 2011]
"What type of guy is right for you?" You have probably taken other quizzes with the same title. However this quiz is designed to give you the description of…
- What Type Of Romantic Are You?[by: amazon, rated: 4.03rated: 4.03/5, published: Apr 25, 2012]
I gave you What Type of Guy Fits You and What Kind of Foreign Guy Fits You, and now I bring What Type Of Romantic Are You. There are many different types of…
- Are you being catfished?[by: ICEE CHILL, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: Nov 28, 2015]
With all the technology today, online dating is becoming a very big part of life. But of course since this is the Internet we're talking about, not everyone…
- What type of guy is best for you?[by: gherkinsgodhorse, rated: 3.93rated: 3.93/5, published: Jun 28, 2015]
There are many types of guys in the world but in this quiz, I have broken them down into four categories: The Shy Romantic, The Funny One, The Cool Bad Boy…
- What Type of Guy Should Be Your Boyfriend?[by: Hailey, rated: 3.91rated: 3.91/5, published: Jul 18, 2012]
Every girl wants to know what kind of guy they should date, right? We all want to know whether to go for the super-popular guy, the super-smart nerd, the star…
- If you like two guys, which one should you choose?[by: AddiBabyy, rated: 3.9rated: 3.9/5, published: Dec 11, 2010]
You're gonna have to pick one.. Which one would you have a really successful relationship with? You must be more attracted to one person, and have deeper…
- How Does He Truly Feel About You? (Adult)[by: Emy, rated: 3.9rated: 3.9/5, published: May 29, 2015]
Almost every single woman has at some point found themselves wondering how the guy they were into felt about them. There are tons of quizzes for young…
- Which stage is your relationship in?[by: LoveGrl44, rated: 3.85rated: 3.85/5, published: Aug 11, 2011]
Do you ever wonder what stage your relationship is in? There are 5 stages every relationship goes through, despite if you're married engaged or dating.
- What kind of lover are you?[by: Abby, rated: 3.85rated: 3.85/5, published: Nov 28, 2006]
Finding love is hard enough but what kind of lover are you??? With the different quizzes this one is different because it will let you know where you really…
- Why Have You Never Had A Boyfriend?[by: leatherjacket, rated: 3.82rated: 3.82/5, published: Feb 19, 2013]
Have you ever pondered on why you are still single? And why you have never had an official boyfriend? Well wonder no more because the answer to your prayers…
- Do Guys Think You're Difficult to Date?[by: amazon, rated: 3.8rated: 3.8/5, published: Apr 3, 2007]
Do guys think you're difficult to date? You see couples every where, find out if you're that annoying girlfriend nagging at her boy or if you're the one who…
- Girls: does your crush like you?[by: Gemini98, rated: 3.78rated: 3.78/5, published: Nov 27, 2013]
Most girls have a crush on someone at least once when they are at high school. That gorgeous boy up the back of the class with his dreamlike eyes and adorable…
- Are you a PLAYER (guys only)[by: random person, rated: 3.75rated: 3.75/5, published: Mar 24, 2011]
Are you a player? Maybe you don't know it, but you are just murderin' the many hearts of the many girls that fall for you. If you are a player you should…
- When it comes to love, what animal are you?[by: Jennifer Verdolin, rated: 3.75rated: 3.75/5, published: Sep 29, 2014]
When it comes to dating and courtship what type of animal are you? This fun quiz will let you know which animal you most closely resemble. You might be…
- What do boys think of me?[by: Cathy, rated: 3.74rated: 3.74/5, published: Dec 26, 2010]
Heyy!! Welcome to the 'what do guys think of you' quiz!! This quiz isn't on the way you look though, it's on personality so don't worry about your answer!…
- Why Do Guys Like You?[by: Nicole, rated: 3.72rated: 3.72/5, published: Sep 5, 2011]
Every guy likes something different in a girl. What do you have that's so irresistible? Are you crazy, sweet, or romantic? How about successful, shy or fun?…
- What is your love language?[by: Stephanie Monique, rated: 3.72rated: 3.72/5, published: Apr 7, 2011]
Everyone needs love, but in different ways. Some people appreciate gifts or spending time with others, while others prefer touch or kind words, or even when…
- What boys do you attract[by: dasha, rated: 3.71rated: 3.71/5, published: Mar 30, 2014]
Often, the kind of mates women attract is a reflection of themselves. Based on certain habits one can predict the kind of males surrounding you and how to…
- Should You Break Up With Him?[by: Jess, rated: 3.69rated: 3.69/5, published: Dec 16, 2012]
If you are taking this quiz, you are probably going through a rough patch with your boyfriend, and you are wondering whether it is time to end the relationship.
- Does He Really Love Me? (Very Accurate)[by: Savannah Lea Livengood, rated: 3.68rated: 3.68/5, published: May 21, 2012]
Are you in a relationship and wondering "Does He Really Love Me?" Well, if so, you came to the right quiz! My quiz is actually 99.99% accurate and it will…
- Do you know what women want?[by: Lacey, rated: 3.66rated: 3.66/5, published: Apr 28, 2008]
Many guys would like to regard themselves as a "ladies man". But it is a hard title to truly claim. Are you the night in shining armour that every woman needs?
- Where Will You Find Your Perfect Guy?[by: tazia101, rated: 3.66rated: 3.66/5, published: Feb 6, 2011]
There are many people in this world. Many people, many guys. When looking for your dream guy, where to start? In the mall? In the school? So many places, so…
- Does This Guy Like You? (Teenage Years Only)[by: DarkTiger12, rated: 3.64rated: 3.64/5, published: Aug 11, 2014]
Guys, Boys, Dudes... The mysteries of life. We girls don't understand them. And we never really will. Only guys know what they want, but only for themselves.
- Is it Love or Pity?[by: krystle, rated: 3.55rated: 3.55/5, published: Feb 15, 2011]
There are people who think that love is as easy as breathing, but little did they know that someone commits s*icide because of love, so now, when you love a…
- Is He Really the One?[by: Emma, rated: 3.55rated: 3.55/5, published: Jan 9, 2008]
Sometimes its easy to get into a relationship and worry if you've done the wrong thing. Or even to be in a long term relationship and suddenly start to…
- How likely are you to go out with your crush?[by: beyond_the_stars23, rated: 3.54rated: 3.54/5, published: Feb 11, 2010]
Can you make your dreams come true? This quiz predicts your chances of ending up together with your crush.
- When Will You Get Your Next Boyfriend/Girlfriend?[by: Mad, rated: 3.51rated: 3.51/5, published: Jul 8, 2009]
You've been waiting for forever....when will you finally be in a nice relationship? Well take this quiz, and you will soon find out. If you've already been…
- Are You a Good Girlfriend?[by: Avery Witt, rated: 4.1rated: 4.1/5, published: Feb 12, 2016]
Many women/girls believe that they are the best person in the world for their boyfriend - he couldn't live without them, he would be nothing if they weren't…
- What Type of Lover are You?[by: DoctorWilliam, rated: 3.88rated: 3.88/5, published: Jun 12, 2014]
A lot of people seem to be lost in relationships and send you my help and support! This quiz will help you pin-point your style of love you show others and…
- Are You Ready for a Relationship?[by: Ashkinn Thresh, rated: 3.71rated: 3.71/5, published: Feb 24, 2024]
Hello! This quiz is designed to help you learn whether you are prepared to date. It can be a very difficult choice, and it’s often hard to judge oneself.…
- Are you a Cheater?[by: M K, rated: 3.67rated: 3.67/5, published: May 29, 2019]
Have you ever questioned if you are loyal to your partner, does the idea or thrill of cheating ever excite or interest you? This quiz will help determine if…
- What Type Of Girl Fits You?[by: amazon, rated: 3.49rated: 3.49/5, published: Jan 24, 2012]
Yes not only girls have types, but guys do to, that why after I made the one for girls, I made this one, So what type of girl do you like.
- Are you the worst date ever?[by: Peanut Butter, rated: 3.46rated: 3.46/5, published: Jun 1, 2013]
Are you the worst date ever? Do men want to run the other way when they show up with gifts, and sweet nothings. Are you contentious? Check it out and…
- Do you really love your boyfriend?[by: Aavika Mishra, rated: 3.45rated: 3.45/5, published: Feb 19, 2020]
Hey girl! Wondering out there if you truly love your boyfriend or not? Here is a short quiz to let you know if your heart really belongs to your boyfriend or…
- How Much Does He Love You?[by: shawna, rated: 3.44rated: 3.44/5, published: Mar 15, 2007]
We want to know if our boyfriends love us. Well I made this quiz cause I know I did. I'm just going to try to help you out. But you have to decide what you…
- Will My Age Gap Relationship Work Out?[by: Ray Mic Mac, rated: 3.37rated: 3.37/5, published: Sep 26, 2016]
This is for guys and girls to find out if you have a lasting age gap relationship. Cuz let's face it, they're hard to keep up. Between the glares and issues,…
- Are You A Good Boyfriend/Girlfriend?[by: Stephanie, rated: 3.37rated: 3.37/5, published: Jun 7, 2008]
There are many people who are the boyfriends and girlfriends of others, but only some can be called a GOOD boyfriend/girlfriend. If you've asked yourself…
- What type of men are you attracted to?[by: Hipster 4eves, rated: 3.33rated: 3.33/5, published: Feb 8, 2015]
Everyone dreams about that PERFECT boy for you.... They're just too hard to find, but who knows if they're actually around you? Don't worry, we all daydream…
- What kind of people do you attract?[by: Abby, rated: 3.32rated: 3.32/5, published: Jan 2, 2007]
See what group of people you naturally attract. And don't change your answer, because you were trying to the score you want. Hope you like it, I think it's fun.
- Do You Really Love Your Girlfriend[by: Da Uprising, rated: 3.32rated: 3.32/5, published: Mar 16, 2014]
People love their girlfriend more than anything and show full interest in them and keep them happy... But this is your opportunity to find out how much you…
- Are You A Good Girlfriend?[by: wouldnt you like to know, rated: 3.32rated: 3.32/5, published: May 11, 2010]
So do you actually think you are the greatest girlfriend? Well I bet my quiz would like to beg to differ, or will it? Take it to see if your boyfriend is…
- How Needy Are You in a Relationship[by: Stacey, rated: 3.31rated: 3.31/5, published: Jan 18, 2007]
Many of us find ourselves being accused of being too needy in a relationship. I have one particular friend who has inspired this quiz. She has lost many…
- What Is Your Type?[by: Jade, rated: 3.29rated: 3.29/5, published: Aug 8, 2007]
There are many different types of classifications for people. In the dating world there isn't so much. It is basically put into about four categories. Some…
- Are you mature enough to have a relationship?[by: Elisa, rated: 3.28rated: 3.28/5, published: Mar 13, 2009]
The world is full of relationships of all kinds. The greatest of these is of that between two lovers. But many relationships fail around the world because of…
- Are You in Love or Heartbroken[by: ricky, rated: 3.25rated: 3.25/5, published: Aug 25, 2007]
Many people think their life is happy until they find love. But the question is are you truly in love? This quiz will help you with those questions. This is…
- Do you have what it takes to date a nerd?[by: kwilson0411, rated: 3.19rated: 3.19/5, published: Aug 11, 2010]
Not everybody wants to date a nerd. It is not easy to do, even though the majority of the populace assumes that the nerds are socially inept and would date…
- Does He Like Me (for Girls)?[by: OmegaWolf, rated: 3.18rated: 3.18/5, published: Jun 27, 2013]
Almost every girl gets a school or college crush at some point of their lives, and always wander if he likes them back! Boys usually do show mixed emotions,…
- Are You Datable?[by: Kevin, rated: 3.17rated: 3.17/5, published: Feb 26, 2007]
This quiz is to help determine whether or not you are ready to go on a date with a guy or girl. If you are particularly concerned about how well you'll do in…
- Who is your ideal partner? (for teenagers)[by: amazon, rated: 3.14rated: 3.14/5, published: May 23, 2007]
Are you ready for your perfect date? Do you know what they are like? Find out? Well, I know just what to do for you! I've been in your sitch, and I can help!
- What's your favorite boyfriend style?[by: Heather, rated: 3.11rated: 3.11/5, published: Nov 23, 2006]
There are many different types of guy styles' but which do you prefer the most? You'll find out by taking this quiz! Hopefully, this will help with any…
- What's your type of guy?[by: Holly, rated: 3.08rated: 3.08/5, published: Jul 12, 2007]
There are many types of personalities (and looks) out there for a girl to choose from. Personalities (and looks) are what makes life interesting...especially…
- Are you a nice guy?: male lover version.[by: amazon, rated: 2.98rated: 2.98/5, published: Feb 7, 2011]
Giddy Up Boys. It's time to take a closer look at ourselves and our future; to reveal to ourselves the people we really are. We live in a world where men are…
- Does he like you? (tell after only a few meetings)[by: Tess, rated: 2.97rated: 2.97/5, published: Jul 17, 2012]
Ok, so you've met him once or twice and you're interested but you're finding him difficult to read. You're trying to figure him out but you are afraid your…
- What Social Stereotyped Guy/Girl should you Date?[by: mrduckbear, rated: 2.94rated: 2.94/5, published: Dec 24, 2007]
I hope this quiz helps identify the type of person you should date based on social stereotypes. Though it may not be accurate, it should does give you a…
- How Much Do You Trust Your Boyfriend/girlfriend?[by: Stephanie, rated: 2.92rated: 2.92/5, published: Feb 22, 2007]
We all hope that our boyfriend/girlfriend trust us. It's something you need to do in a relationship I guess. We rather don't have them stalking us, reading…
- Does your boyfriend/girlfriend really love you?[by: carleycupcake, rated: 2.92rated: 2.92/5, published: Nov 26, 2009]
People can never wait to fall in love with that special someone. Love is a great thing and you may have it. Everyone has a special someone in their life, some…
- Are You Datable[by: Loni and Tina, rated: 2.87rated: 2.87/5, published: Jul 13, 2007]
Dating is one of those inevitable processes that people must endure in order to find that special someone that they are destines to spend the rest of their…
- Are You a Good Boyfriend?[by: Lovemaster123, rated: 2.86rated: 2.86/5, published: Aug 21, 2019]
Are you a good boyfriend? Or if you aren't dating anyone right now, would you be a good boyfriend? Look no further. This short quiz will tell you all that you…
- Are you the perfect girlfriend?[by: Phil, rated: 2.85rated: 2.85/5, published: Nov 3, 2006]
Many girls out there aspire to be the perfect girlfriend. Are you that girl? You may have too many guy friends aside from your boyfriend. Maybe you let love…
- Does He Still Have Feelings For You?[by: Kaylyn Miller12, rated: 2.83rated: 2.83/5, published: Oct 24, 2011]
Does he still have feelings for you? Find out right here, right now. This quiz is very accurate and should be able to determine if he still has left over…
- Why are you single?[by: liz strelow, rated: 2.81rated: 2.81/5, published: May 17, 2007]
You? Single??? No... really??? You want to know why? Take this quiz and find out! You think you have it tough being single? Imagine having to think of a 150…
- What type of person do you attract?[by: Wiccawolf, rated: 2.78rated: 2.78/5, published: Nov 2, 2006]
Our habits, dress, and attitude attract certain types of people to us. Sometimes similarities attract, sometimes opposites attract, it is hard to tell but…
- Are you a TRUE Gentlemen?[by: Billy, rated: 2.78rated: 2.78/5, published: Aug 8, 2009]
For men this is a good test to see if you are truly a gentleman. Plus, as you take the quiz and read the results you will learn the true qualities of a…
- The Physical Attraction Test![by: Spicetown09, rated: 2.77rated: 2.77/5, published: Feb 13, 2009]
How do you know what you want in a woman or man, if you are looking for a soul mate. Definitely take this quiz, to find out. It is so accurate it will scare…
- Are Younger Boys Attracted To You?![by: Ardeo9999, rated: 2.76rated: 2.76/5, published: Jan 30, 2012]
GIRLS ONLY!! Do you think younger boys are fun? Annoying? Do they bug you and poke you- then you get this indescribable feeling that maybe those same kids…
- Is your boyfriend loyal to you?[by: jennie1, rated: 2.37rated: 2.37/5, published: Oct 30, 2015]
This quiz is about testing if your boyfriend is either a loyal man or not loyal. You must answer all the questions to get an answer at the end. The higher the…
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