Tag: Crushes
- Jan 28, '24
- by WolfQueen
- Mar 23, '23
- by A Girlboss who slays
- Jan 24, '20
- by Jeeshan
- Jul 27, '20
- by Ana
- Jan 3, '19
- by Holly-May
- Jan 3, '21
- by Jayfeather310
- Will Your Crush Ask You Out?
- Nov 28, '14
- by Emmy Gonsalves
I'm sure we have all had that moment where we wondered if our crush actually like us back, but maybe, just maybe they might be…
- Are You Obsessed With Your Crush?
- Mar 25, '16
- by Natalie
Crushes are a natural aspect of life. Everyone's gonna have a crush at some time or another. But there will be those who take…
- Does Your Crush Even Like You
- Oct 4, '10
- by Rnorton
There are so many people out there who have crushes. Maybe its someone you just happen to notice out of the blue one day or…
- How Does Your Crush Feel About You?
- Dec 19, '10
- by tomboykaitie
We as humans, of course have our crushes, best friends and loves. And many of us will wonder: "Do the they like me back?" and…
- When Will You Get Your Next Crush? (For Anyone)
- Apr 7, '13
- by leatherjacket
Whether or not you already have a crush, multiple crushes, are in a relationship, are gay or straight, happy or sad, this quiz…
- Am I Obsessed With My Crush? [Quiz]
- Oct 20, '23
- by Arcadia
Maybe there is someone in your life that you can’t help thinking about- or you are taking this quiz out of curiosity. So now,…
- Are You and Your Crush/BF Meant to be?
- Feb 16, '08
- by Amy
Ever wondered if you and your crush/boyfriend are right for each other? Some people have the perfect balance of differences and…
- Does your crush like you back? (100% accurate)
- Jun 21, '12
- by Applejack
Everyone must have a crush of some sort. What is a crush? A crush is someone that you have feelings for that comes in the way…
- Does your crush like you back?
- Jun 27, '12
- by Zoe
One of the most commonly asked questions and quizzes I see are, "Does he REALLY like me?" Although I don't believe any of these…
- Does He/she Like Me? (Body Language)
- Mar 16, '13
- by GamerGirl
Body language is an involuntary instinct hard to control. Even if Your crush is shy and tries to hide their interest for you…
- Crushing or Obsessing?
- Feb 26, '07
- by Payton
Having a crush entitles you to be interested in different aspects of his/her life, but there is a thin line between interested…
- How much are you crushing?
- Jan 1, '15
- by OmegaWolf
This is a quiz designed to measure just how much you are crushing on that boy or girl -- you know the one. How serious is your…
- Should You Kiss Your Crush?
- Mar 19, '13
- by Alyssa
Do you REALLY wonder if you should kiss your crush or just take it slow with him? Do you think you should go on a date or just…
- How should you tell him you like him?
- May 9, '15
- by izzy
There are many ways to express that you really like your crush. Just many people don't know how to do this. By finding out…
- Do you like someone?
- Jun 26, '07
- by Allicat
You know that boy that sits two seats in front of you in English class that you find yourself staring at instead of taking…
- Do You Really Like Him/her?
- May 13, '09
- by Jinx
So you think you really like this girl or guy, but you need to be a 100% sure! I've taken many quizzes with similar titles to…
Even More Crushes Quizzes
- How Much Do You Really Like Him?
- Dec 21, '11
- by Seritori
Are you not sure what you really think of that new crush of yours? Is he switching you on and off about whether you like him?…
- Is it love, obsession, or just a crush?
- Dec 20, '08
- by Solaris
Everyone seems to think their in love with someone these days, especially if they've been together for ages. Time doesn't mean…
- Are You Obsessed With A Guy/Girl??
- May 17, '07
- by Cassie
There are many stalkers in the world, obsessive people who have crushes who are like a lifeline. What is an obsessed person?…
- Does He Actually Have A Crush On You, or Is he playing?
- Jul 4, '11
- by Melis Senkaya
There are plenty of fish in the ocean, you will find another guy! Trust me, you will not marry your first crush unless you…
- How Should You Confess to Your Crush?
- Jun 29, '17
- by Rose N.
This quiz is about love, duh. The quiz made me use A certain amount of words, so other than this being about your crush, I will…
- Is your crush worth it?
- May 18, '11
- by Rina
This quiz will help socially challenged people like the creator to further understand what it is that makes us have crushes. Do…
- Is He Flirting Or NOT?
- Dec 18, '11
- by bumblebee226
There are many guys in the world, annoying yes, but some true heartfelt guys. Trying to figure out if they like you is hard.…
- Are you boy crazy?
- Dec 9, '21
- by Sophie
Have you been wondering if your boy crazy? Are your friends bugging you about it? Trying to prove your not boy crazy? Well this…
- Think you crush loves you?
- Nov 14, '14
- by yummy29
Hopefully you will be happy with the answers, because this quiz took awhile to make. Do not rate, it is not required heh. Trust…
- What are the chances of her saying "Yes"?
- Sep 19, '11
- by HNAH
"...You see that girl over there? She's mine someday," you tell your friend. "No way man, how much does she like you?" You sit…
- Find out if you really like him/her
- Apr 29, '07
- by 216220m
When you look at him/her to you really feel the love, or is it just a trick? Love can be so confusing sometimes, you can't make…
- Are You Jealous of Your Crushes Girlfriend?
- Jun 20, '23
- by Katelyn
Do you want to know if you are jealous of your crushes girlfriend? Or is it just some random jealousy that everyone gets once…
- Does your crush like you back? (Boys & Girls)
- Aug 3, '15
- by Nyanwolf
If this is ridiculously inaccurate I apologize, this is my first of this type of quiz, so it was a bit confusing at first. I…
- Will your crush ask you out?
- Jul 2, '13
- by kim1499
This quiz can determine if the crush that you have will ask you out one day! Getting asked out to a school dance, party, or…
- How Into This Guy Are You?
- Jan 17, '09
- by lorie
A crush is a crush, simple puppy love, sparks that come and goes. Love is something different, something you treasure for a…
- Does your crush like you?
- May 25, '10
- by Lily Ann
You have a crush, and you want to know if he/she likes you back. Tough spot to be in, but this quiz can help!
Still 77 More Crushes Quizzes!
- Is your crush seriously worth it?
- How To Know If You Are In Real Love
- How much do you like him?
- Can you take a hint? Or are you oblivious to how your crush feels
- Office Crush or Stalker?
- Will You Ever Get With Him?
- How Much Does Your Crush Like You?
- Do you really, truly like your crush?
- Does your crush like you?
- Are you in Love, in a Crush, or just not Interested?
- Is it true love?
- Do you and your crush make a good couple?
- Do You Go For Brains or Body?
- Is He Worth Your Love?
- Does your crush like you back?
- Which Guy Do You Really Like More?
- Do You Have A Secret Crush?
- Are You And Your Crush Meant To Be? (FOR GIRLS ONLY)
- Are you truly obsessed with your celebrity crush?
- Does Someone Have a Crush On You?
- How Well Do You Know Your Crush
- How much in love are you?
- How likely are you to go out with your crush?
- Did my crush noticed me?
- Which Crush Do You Like Better?
- How much do you like your crush?
- Does Your Crush Like You Back??
- I Can Guess What Your Crush Looks Like! (for girls)
- What Is Your Flirting Style?
- Are You in Love With Her?
- Does Your Crush Deserve You?
- Does Your Crush Love You?
- Will You Marry Your Crush
- What to do if your friend likes your crush
- How in love are you with your crush?
- How much does your crush like you?
- Does your crush like you?
- Are you in love?
- How Freaky Is Your Love?
- Am I lovesick???
- Are You Obsessed?
- Do you secretly have a crush?
- Do you love him?
- Do They Love You Too?
- How does your crush feel about you?
- Does Somebody have a Crush on you?
- Should You Ask Your Crush Out?
- Is It Meant to Be?
- Do you like him?
- Should you ask out your crush?
- Does your crush like you (Girls Grade 6-7)
- Do you like her?
- Who Is Crushing On You?
- Does your crush like you back?
- Should I Tell My Crush I Like Them?
- Are You in LOVE or LUST With Your Crush?
- Does Your Crush Like You?
- How hard are you REALLY crushing?
- Do you have a chance with your crush?
- Will You Marry Your Crush
- How Much Do You Love Your Crush?
- Do You Have A Crush On Him?
- Is it really a crush or just a passing feeling?
- Does the Girl You Like, Like You Back?
- Are You in Love? Or Is It Just a Crush?
- Do I have a crush on someone?
- Do you really love your crush?
- Is Your Crush the Right For You?
- Is Your Crush "The One"?
- Does Your Crush Notice You?
- Do you like him?
- Is Your Crush Gonna Be Yours?
- Would Your Crush Date You?
- Are You and Your Crush Compatible?
- Is Your Crush Thinking Of You Right Now?
- What is the First Letter of the Person Who Likes You?
- Are you in love with your crush?
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