Could we be besties?

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Hi, welcome to my quiz, I’m trying to find a bestie, so if you get a good score on this quiz, if you want, friend me on Roblox (if you want and if you have it) my username is Ywyeyskojo 😊

Here’s some facts to get to know me! Fav animals: cat, dog, hamster and pandas! Fav singers/bands: Little Mix, Imagine Dragons, Queen, Bon Jovi and some others but I can’t rlly remember. Fav movie/shows: Frozen❄⛄ Ninjago and miraculous.I’m homeschooled.I am in between the ages of 14-16 (but I’m not saying) I’m a Christian.Thats all!

Created by: minnieemoomoo
  1. First question, how old are you?
  2. Do you tend to shout lots or be loud?
  3. Are you more an introvert or extrovert?
  4. Are you crazy? (in a good way, like handstand competitions, tree climbing, or pillow fights if you can’t walk or anything like that, etc)
  5. Do you follow rules?
  6. Are you a nice person?
  7. What’s your favourite type of music?
  8. What’s your favourite hobbies?
  9. How well do you do with peoples boundaries?
  10. Are you ok with the fact I can be quite clingy with people at times?
  11. Would you play Roblox with me?
  12. Are you religious or support religions?
  13. Are you okay with the fact that I have trouble wording things most the time and get confused with what I’m saying and just say a ton of random things?
  14. Would we call or text almost everyday?
  15. Final question, do you think we would be besties?
  16. Do you support LEEDS UNITED!!!💙💛

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