What clan rank are you?

I tried my best on this test so forgive me if you don't like it. This was just for fun. If you want to friend me on roblox here is my username : theunimaster0711

I will make another test for my oc's so be sure to check that out. I have made plenty of other tests so be sure to check those out, have a good Day!!!

Created by: Natalie smith
  1. Are you mature?
  2. What do you think you will get?
  3. are you good with herbs
  4. Role play time! (does not effect your score)
  5. Someone not from your clan walks up to you and tells you to follow them, What do you do?
  6. Which matches your discription?
  7. You see someone bullying a kit. What do you do?
  8. Someone else gets the rank you wanted. What do you do?
  9. How mature do you rate yourself?
  10. What clan do you like the most? (doesn't effect your result)

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Quiz topic: What clan rank am I?
