The Geek's Profile

The Geek
Joined on Mar 15, 2012
Status Level: Expert
The Geek's Quizzes
- 11 + 1 = ???? idk either[published: Sep 03, 2017, 5 comments]
Look, I was gonna go easy on you and not to hurt your feelings But I'm os as you say, I'm not taking……
- Goddessgirls quizzes[published: Oct 20, 2014]
Are you a true fan of the Goddessgirls series?Good luck if you are! I sincerely Hope you can do this and……
- Honest "am I pretty quiz?"[published: Jun 25, 2014, 17 comments]
this is a fun , and very honest am I pretty quiz:) it gives you a real down to earth answer about……
- What is your Teddy Bear Name[published: Jun 09, 2014, 10 comments]
There are many teddy bears in the world all of different cultures and personalities, take this quiz……
- Are you beautiful?[published: Jun 04, 2014, 9 comments]
Find out if you're beautiful!!!!! You may take this quiz to find out with wanderful questions and wonderful……
- Which strategy game are you?[published: Apr 08, 2014, 15 comments]
There are many strategy games out there, some with more strategy then others, the answers to this……
- Gender Spectrum Quiz[published: Apr 06, 2014, 95 comments]
Considering you might not be the gender your parents gave you at birth? Tired of taking quizzes that……
- How 'Merican are you?[published: Feb 23, 2014, 6 comments]
Hey you. yeah you. the American one or the one that wants to become one. yep you thank you I finally got……
- The Archers; The only way is Ambridge quiz[published: Feb 19, 2014, 2 comments]
The Archers, an everyday story of country folk, is the world's longest running soap……
- What is your Element?[published: Feb 17, 2014, 5 comments]
Have you ever seen Lego Ninjago on Cartoon Network? Do you know the ninja? Do you know Kai, Zane, Cole,……
- The Last Of us Quiz[published: Feb 15, 2014, 2 comments]
The Last Of Us. One of the best games of 2013. I'm a huge fan and I know everything about it. I've god……
- How well do you know the people in Percy Jackson Series[published: Jan 08, 2014, 4 comments]
You think you know Percy Jackson? Ummmmmm prove it. Take this quiz and……
- how blue collar working class are you?[published: Nov 20, 2013]
There are many social climbers in this world and this is your chance to see if you have……
- How much do you love Star Wars?[published: Nov 19, 2013, 2 comments]
How well do you really know Star Wars? Consider yourself a fan? Are you ready to complete your……
- How Urban/Rural are you?[published: Nov 16, 2013, 3 comments]
Ever wondered just how rural or urban you are? This quiz should answer that deep down feeling of who……
- How Kent are you?[published: Nov 13, 2013, 1 comment]
Would you like a challenge? Are you bored? Has this quiz appeared on Facebook? Answer yes to any of the above……
- How 'Great Yarmouth' are you[published: Nov 13, 2013]
You may be from Great Yarmouth but are you really Yarmouth through and through? Until now you……
- Are you a kitten[published: Nov 12, 2013, 1 comment]
Kittens, everyone loves a kitten. But perhaps you might be confused as to whether or not you're a kitten? Do……
- How Portisheadian Are You?[published: Nov 10, 2013, 2 comments]
Did you grow up in Portishead? Have you ever had a drink with Eddie Large or Tommy Banner? Did your……
- Gotoquiz Survivor Quiz[published: Oct 20, 2013, 1 comment]
GTQ survivor was entertaining and fun to play, most definetly deserving a quiz for it. This was even one……
- Which Disney Princess are you?[published: Jul 30, 2013, 10 comments]
Many people have watched and admired Disney films, particularly the ones where Princesses have a……
- How hard would you slap one direction?[published: Jul 09, 2013, 20 comments]
Ever thought about slapping one direction? Ever thought about not slapping one direction?……
- Which of the Divergent factions do you belong in?[published: Jun 02, 2013, 5 comments]
We all might have read the Divergent series, but I certainly have. IT'S THE……
- What Culture do You Fit in with the Most?[published: May 08, 2013, 12 comments]
What culture would fit your personality the most? I have found myself to be quite……
- How well do you know How I Met Your Mother?[published: Apr 24, 2013]
How well do YOU know How I Met Your Mother? Here's a short quiz to find out! My……
- How well do you know Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy?[published: Mar 08, 2013, 1 comment]
Hi my name is joe and I make quizzes in a quiz factory. I have a wife and a……
- Could you survive Loony Tunes?[published: Mar 05, 2013, 4 comments]
Many people have seen loony tunes. Very few people don't know their famous lines like "Whats up……
- The Geeks shoutouts[published: Mar 02, 2013, 5 comments]
Here are some of my shoutouts to various great people of gotoquiz. I missed some people don't worry I love……
- How lucky are you?[published: Feb 28, 2013, 5 comments]
Some people are lucky. Some aren't, if you guess right you score high. If you guess bad you score low. Expect……
- I can guess your gender. Seriously.[published: Feb 14, 2013, 99 comments]
Do you think I can guess your gender? No? Well I can. I spent a year finding traits of……
- Best Carri04 posts.[published: Nov 12, 2012]
Carri04 makes makes many funny posts and here are some. Random words.Random words.Random words.Random……
- Are you asleep?[published: Nov 07, 2012, 7 comments]
There are many people in the world who are asleep. But many are faking. (not really just a propaganda sweep) So……
- Could you be a Ninja Chicken?[published: Nov 05, 2012]
Many of you have seen quizzes that actually relate to something important. This quiz is for some……
- Which Starw Wars character are you not like?[published: Nov 04, 2012, 4 comments]
This is a quiz with a difference.Many of you have seen the which Star wars……
- Could you be a used car salesman?[published: Nov 03, 2012, 2 comments]
You may be someone else in this world of wonders if they are cut out for such a daring and……
- How hard would you punch Justin Bieber?[published: Sep 23, 2012, 26 comments]
Many people like justin bieber. But many want to punch him. But howhard would you punch……
- Rock, Paper, Scissors. Can you beat the machine? Part 1.[published: Aug 12, 2012, 15 comments]
Many know how to play but few have dared play "The Machine" as its said……
- The Code In The Quiz.[published: Aug 11, 2012, 9 comments]
So welcome to the code in the quiz! Here your logic and deduction skills will be tested to the extreme.……
- What element will YOU control?[published: May 05, 2012, 2 comments]
I suppose you think that you can't control Water...Fire..Maybe even earth or air? well I tell you……
- Could you lead a clone legion to victory? Part 3[published: Mar 31, 2012, 4 comments]
So far this series has been loved by the people who have took it and they have……
- Could you lead a clone legion to victory? Part 2[published: Mar 22, 2012, 5 comments]
Do not take this quiz if you have not taken the first part. Instead click my……
- Could you survive a gnome attack?[published: Mar 21, 2012, 6 comments]
Many people love gnomes but few are ready for when they rebel. Will you know what to do? Until……
- Are you a star wars geek?[published: Mar 20, 2012, 7 comments]
Many people like star wars but only a few are star wars geeks. A star wars geek knows all of those……
- The mathematic quiz.[published: Mar 19, 2012, 4 comments]
Most people know some mathematics but only a few truly know it. Mathematics is very important to know. Some……
- I can guess your gender. For real.[published: Mar 17, 2012, 55 comments]
Most of the time you take a quiz it generally says something like "Have you ver wondered if……
- Star Wars: Jedi or Sith?[published: Mar 17, 2012, 9 comments]
Star wars. It is incredibly popular. It even has its own category in gotoquiz. It all circles around……
- Could you lead a clone legion to victory? Part 1[published: Mar 16, 2012, 7 comments]
People love star wars and strategy games. Its time a geek like combined them.……
- will you be single forever?[published: Feb 13, 2012, 23 comments]
most people fall in love but some fall out of love,too. what is a brokenheart? nothing. nothing at……
- Which Merlin Character Are You?[published: Dec 28, 2011, 3 comments]
Okay, so you all know, hopefully, the show on Channel Ten at about 6:30 PM, called Merlin? Okay,……
- what animal are you[published: Dec 02, 2011, 2 comments]
some people are a genius but are YOU were giving you the chance to see ……
- What will happan to you tomorrow? A random quiz[published: Oct 12, 2011, 24 comments]
I love Random quizzes. I simply can't get enough of them. It's jolly good fun……
- Who is so you ?!?[published: Oct 02, 2011, 12 comments]
This game is telling you who is so you.Figure out whois so you!Half of the answers dont count,but some do!Now……
- When will I next have sex[published: May 12, 2011, 21 comments]
are you a sex bomb or a shy duckie. do you party or wath TV. where do you work work, or are you a……
- Which One Direction member are you most like?[published: Jan 31, 2011, 26 comments]
This quiz is all about the amazing new boyband One Direction that debuted in 2011……
- CPM(Club Penguin Master)[published: Jan 23, 2011, 3 comments]
If you want to find out if you are a true club penguin genuis then take this quiz! This might not be……
- demigod parent test[published: Jan 20, 2011, 13 comments]
this quiz is about you being a demigod and who your parent would be it is just for fun and for some kids……
- Where Do You Rank On The Pecking Order?[published: Aug 18, 2008, 4 comments]
The root of most conflict is the failure of certain people to understand their place on……
- Are You Champion wrestler[published: Jul 09, 2008, 2 comments]
There are wimps and champion wrestler. Wimps get beat up and crushed. Champion wrestler do not.……
- Is your friend a real or fake friend?[published: Jun 23, 2008, 8 comments]
Do you have a real or a fake friend? Well you want to know. And you need to know so how……
- What Game Character Are You??? (female)[published: May 29, 2008, 6 comments]
This quiz is just for fun! It will only give you female results, but please feel free to……
- Muffin nationality test[published: Mar 31, 2008, 4 comments]
You are a mere dough nut. Your task is to get infiltrate the muffins base. However you are stopped……
- SHOULD CHUCK NORRIS LET YOU LIVE?[published: Feb 27, 2008, 2 comments]
This is a test will determine if you are allow to live if you ever met Chuck Norris. For many……
- Which one of my teachers are you?[published: Feb 16, 2008, 2 comments]
There are many people in this world. About 500 billion. But there only six I want to focus us.……
- the how gay am i quiz[published: Jan 25, 2008]
u have always wondered if u were gay havent u? i think u have. any way now u will know if u r gay or……
- How much of a Nerd are you?[published: Dec 21, 2007, 1 comment]
There are many smart people, but few true nerds. nerds is, afterall, quite nerdy. What is a nerd? A……
- Alchemy Quiz. Are You An Alchemist[published: Dec 12, 2007, 2 comments]
There are not many that qualify as Alchemists, but the few who can are permitted to world……
- Which Angles Character Are You?[published: Dec 07, 2007]
Find out which Angles character you are! Do you belong in the 'hood, or in the suburbs? Are you……
- How Much Do You Know About Meerkats?[published: Nov 06, 2007]
Do you have a good knowledge of meerkats and the Animal Planet show Meerkat Manor? Well,……
- ignorance and standards quiz[published: Oct 02, 2007]
This quiz is in fact intended to measure ignorances and standards based on 5 commonly noted types……
- What musical intrument are you? (Pictures)[published: Aug 14, 2007, 1 comment]
Everyone is different. And everyone has a different personality. Some people are……
- Which Jojo's Bizarre Adventure character are you?[published: Aug 11, 2007, 49 comments]
If you've been reading manga for awhile you've probably heard of Jojo's……
- How Texan Are You?[published: May 27, 2007, 1 comment]
There is a large number of people out there who know what it means to be a Texan. How much do you know about……
- What is your true color?[published: May 06, 2007, 13 comments]
Colors you really need to know what kind of color you are. Every where we go we see colors, they……
- How Stupid Are You?[published: May 06, 2007]
There are many stupid people out there and few clever ones. A stupid person is someone who just shouldn't be……
- Are You An Old School Biker?[published: Apr 30, 2007, 36 comments]
There is a diverse community in the motorcycle world today. There are as many different people……
- Evanescence Quiz[published: Apr 22, 2007, 1 comment]
There are many Evanescence Savvy people out there. Plenty of casual fans. But do you have a deep understanding……
- are you in style[published: Apr 12, 2007, 1 comment]
This quiz is about you and how your up to date, are you the one thats first to buy that new designer purse or……
- spiderman trivia password is venom1[published: Apr 08, 2007, 1 comment]
there are a small amount of people who will be joining me on may 4th to the movie theater……
- Halo 2 Rank Quiz[published: Mar 27, 2007]
This is a hardcore quiz for pro halo players only?Halo 2 returns you to the role of the Master Chief - still……
- Are You Cooler Than Chuck Norris?[published: Mar 25, 2007, 5 comments]
Why even bother reading this first paragraph? The title says it all.Why are you still reading?……
- Would your marriage work[published: Feb 19, 2007, 1 comment]
Are you ready to get married? Are you in love with the thought of being in love? Will your marriage……
- wich switchfoot song are you[published: Jan 26, 2007, 1 comment]
there are alot of switchfoot songs that they have made over the past ten years. wich one are you?……
- How richmond are you?[published: Jan 16, 2007]
This quiz is all about Richmond, VA. How richmond are you? well take this quiz and find out. the quiz will……
- Which girl is for you?[published: Nov 22, 2006, 13 comments]
I created this quiz so that you could decide which of us would be the best choice for you to date. Good……
- Message Board Junkie[published: Nov 17, 2006]
This is just a fun quiz to see how much time one spends on the message boards. If you spend more than a……
- Are You a Good Quiz Taker?[published: Nov 17, 2006, 1 comment]
Ah, so you are curious about your own quizicle skills are you? I undertand. These days it seems like……
- How Good with the Force Are You!?[published: Nov 09, 2006, 1 comment]
This is a Test from Star Wars To see how much you know. If you think you know alot then test……
- Weak or Strong.[published: Oct 26, 2006]
What kind of person are you? Weak or Strong? How far are you willing to go to help others? How smart are you……
- Which Professional Cyclist are you?[published: Sep 17, 2006]
So what world famous pro cyclist are you? Wanna know? Take the quiz. It'll tell you! Ready……
- How much do you know about your body?[published: Sep 02, 2006]
Most people know a little about their bodies - you know, two arms, two legs a couple hands……
- Should You Be a Parent?[published: Jul 03, 2006]
Parents. You can't live with them, and you can't live without them. Some people make wonderful parents;……
- Can you stand this quiz?[published: Jun 14, 2006]
I was inspired to make this quiz because my best friend, Bob the Sock had so much fun using this site,……
The Geek's Recent Posts
"i got in"
"who's got a fiance"
"what isn't legal"
"because its small and loud :/"
"trying to find a way to move"
The Geek's Recent Quiz Comments
"stereotypes are hot
jeeshan knows :3"In response to anonymous2020:
"Go reinforcing gender stereotypes! This quiz is…"
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