The Last Of us Quiz

The Last Of Us. One of the best games of 2013. I'm a huge fan and I know everything about it. I've god everything in multiplayer and I've got the platinum trophy

Do you think you know more about TLOU than me? Try thus quiz. It goes from easy to hard. You will try hard in every question. If you think this us easy, you know everything about TLOU

Created by: The Geek

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who are 2 main characters?
  2. What is the group that rebels against martial law called?
  3. What is the group that rebels against martial law called?
  4. Who is the first character to die?
  5. What is special about Ellie?
  6. Who was Ellie's friend at military school?
  7. What are Ellie's joke books called
  8. What's the online called
  9. What is the highly anticipated Single Player DLC called?
  10. Last one: How old is Ellie

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