Which Angles Character Are You?

Find out which Angles character you are! Do you belong in the 'hood, or in the suburbs? Are you quiet, or loud as hell? Find out now! Meet the gang at www.myspace.com/anglestv

Which character from Angles are you? Center of attention, or in the background? Serious or funny? How gangsta are you? Find out right now! And go to www.myspace.com/anglestv to meet the gang!

Created by: The Geek of Angles
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up...
  2. At work you...
  3. In your spare time during the day, you like to...
  4. When you get home in the afternoon/evening, you...
  5. Where do you party?
  6. When you drink, you...
  7. If a friend says something disrespectful to you, you...
  8. If an enemy disrespects you, you...
  9. How's your love life?
  10. Someone asks you to back him up in a fight. Do you go?
  11. Brick is...
  12. When someone asks you for advice, you...
  13. Your home life is...
  14. Before you go to sleep at night, you...

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Quiz topic: Which Angles Character am I?