How Texan Are You?

There is a large number of people out there who know what it means to be a Texan. How much do you know about Texas and the many benefits it has to offer? Have you spent any time in Texas or with someone who might be a true Texan?

Are you a true Texan or do you have the slightest idea about the state? Take this short quiz and in a few minutes you can find out how Texan you really are.

Created by: The Geek

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you ever been to more than one Rangers or Astros home game?
  2. Do you know what the State flower is?
  3. Do most of your ex's live in Texas?
  4. Have you ever been to Port Aransas or South Padre Island to go to the beach?
  5. Do you attend at least one bbq a month where the host serves grilled/smoked meat or boiled crawfish?
  6. Have you floated the Guadalupe, Gruene, or Frio Rivers?
  7. Do you prefer to say Yall or you guys?
  8. Do you love real Mexican food?
  9. Have you ever been to a Texas border town and got wasted on the Mexico side?
  10. Do you know what the state bird is?
  11. Do you believe that Texas should still be its own Republic?
  12. Do you, your loved one, or your friends like to hunt or fish year round?
  13. Do you believe that Texas men and women are superior to every other state?
  14. DO you know the words to a Texas country song?
  15. Do you consider anything under a four hour drive to be close?
  16. Have you ever been to the Fort Worth Stockyards or the Houston BBQ cookoff?
  17. Do you know someone in the Oil business?
  18. Have you ever been to more than three Texas lakes?
  19. Can you finish the words to this song, "The stars at night, are big and bright"...
  20. Have you ever partied on Sixth Street?
  21. Have you ever been to the State Fair of Texas?
  22. Do you own a pair of cowboy boots?
  23. Do you possess a love for Texas music, food, people, and places?
  24. Have you ever visited or spent time in a West Texas or East Texas town?
  25. Do you know what it means to, "Keep Austin Weird"?
  26. Do you ever drink Lone Star or Shiner Bock beer?

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Quiz topic: How Texan am I?