Which Harry Potter Character Is Your Soulmate?

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This quiz will tell you which Harry Potter character you're meant to be with. Answer this to the best of your abilities, have fun and enjoy. Don't try too hard to get a certain character, just go with the flow.

I couldn't put many people in here. I wish I could. there were so many I wanted to put, but it only allowed me 8, so I will be making a second quiz with the rest of the people.

Contains Spoilers

Created by: Angelica
  1. Where would you rather go for a first date?
  2. Beach or pool?
  3. Eating at Hagrid's or dinning in the great hall.
  4. Who are you loyal to?
  5. How much do you care of what people think of you?
  6. How much of a bad b%$ch?
  7. Which is your favorite book/movie?
  8. Your favorite Harry Potter treat.
  9. What is your Hogwarts house?
  10. Moon or stars?
  11. What is your aesthetic?
  12. What type of hair do you have?
  13. What type of weather do you like?
  14. Sunny, cloudy, rainy or snowy.
  15. What death was the saddest for you?
  16. Which of these Dumbledore quotes hurt you the most?
  17. Heads or tails?
  18. Queen or princess.
  19. A warm and cozy home or a big mysterious home light/dark academia.
  20. Making/doing the pranks or being the distraction so someone can do the prank.
  21. Golden trio or death eater.

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter Character Is my Soulmate?
