Hair Quizzes - Style, Length, Color!
Hair, more than an element of style, can even be an art form. In this category you may find quizzes that address any aspect of hair styling, addressing such questions as "what hair type do I have" and "what hair style should I choose." Don't see what you're looking for? Create your own hair quiz today!
Our Hair Quizzes
- What color should you dye your hair?[by: GinnyWeasley12, rated: 4.26rated: 4.26/5, published: May 11, 2022]
It only allowed me ten results so it is pretty accurate. This quiz will help you find the best hair color for you. Are you excited? I am. I don't know if your…
- What anime hair color will you have?[by: TheAnimePeople, rated: 4.1rated: 4.1/5, published: Mar 9, 2015]
What did you get? Like your answers and want me to make more? Great! E-mail me at [no emails] Thank you! (No spam please! I only accept idea's and fan letters.)
- What is YOUR hair type?[by: Chandler Spaulding, rated: 3.94rated: 3.94/5, published: Jul 18, 2017]
Some people with natural hair go day to day without knowing their hair type and spending money on products that simply don't work. Our purpose at NaturallyMe…
- What manic panic hair color should you dye your hair?[by: Jace, rated: 3.82rated: 3.82/5, published: Jun 4, 2018]
Based on your personality, this quiz will tell you which dye color to choose.
- Should You Have Long Hair (boys)[by: Conor, rated: 4.2rated: 4.2/5, published: Sep 11, 2014]
I designed this quiz for people who weren't sure if they could handle long hair (washing drying styling) or not try the quiz to ding out about yourself.
- What fun color should you dye your hair?[by: Elena, rated: 3.47rated: 3.47/5, published: Mar 26, 2013]
Ever wondered what fun hair color you should have? Ever wanted to dye your hair, but stopped because you didn't know what color would look good with your eye…
- Guys with White Shirts, Hair?[by: Leornghaiirk, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: May 1, 2013]
Have you ever wondered what length of hair would look best on you? If you have, you've come to the right place. Take this quick and simple test to see what…
- What Type Of Hair Do You Have?[by: Shimmers, rated: 3.36rated: 3.36/5, published: Oct 1, 2014]
What Type Of Hair Do You Have is a quiz that was made by a professional to give you a 100% accurate result on what condition your hair is in! Are you…
- Which hairstyle should i wear[by: swimgirl108, rated: 3.35rated: 3.35/5, published: Nov 6, 2011]
There are many cute hairstyles out there, but do you want to find your perfect match? Take this quiz and find out your perfect hairstyle!
- What Is Your Hairtype?[by: Romi Vandeginste, rated: 3.34rated: 3.34/5, published: Aug 17, 2011]
With all the curly products made for a specific hair type, sometimes it is neccesary to know which type you belong to.
- Which pixie cut is right for you?[by: Eva, rated: 3.32rated: 3.32/5, published: May 26, 2014]
Lot's of people are thinking about getting pixie cuts this time of year, so why not get one yourself? If you're not sure about a pixie, do some research and…
- What's your meant-to-be hair color?[by: Lilyofthevalley:), rated: 3.31rated: 3.31/5, published: Mar 12, 2011]
Sure, you can easily look in the mirror and know what hair color you have, but what's your hair color inside? Is yours meant to be? Maybe..your hair color…
- What hairstyle should you do?[by: Ellie M, rated: 3.18rated: 3.18/5, published: Jun 7, 2012]
What kind of hairstyle will you wear tomorrow? In the morning, do you ever look into the mirror and fiddle with your hair, thinking, what hairstyle can I wear…
- What haircut should you get (males)?[by: Chelsea1010, rated: 3.13rated: 3.13/5, published: Dec 2, 2017]
Many quizzes like these have stupid questions and don't cover multiple aspects of why people want particular haircuts, such as whether the person is…
- What color streaks should you put in your hair?[by: taltoola, rated: 3.04rated: 3.04/5, published: Apr 7, 2012]
Do you want to put streaks or highlights in their hair, but can't decide on color? Try this.
- What's my hair? For guys[by: Erik, rated: 3.03rated: 3.03/5, published: Apr 21, 2013]
Have you ever dreamed of having long hair? Have you always wanted to rock your locks? Have you ever argued with your parents if you can have long hair? Do you…
- What Your Hair Color says about you[by: Brittany, rated: 3.02rated: 3.02/5, published: Nov 19, 2006]
Does your current color match your personality? See if another color would be a better match.
- What length of hair looks best on you for guys[by: Erik, rated: 2.98rated: 2.98/5, published: Apr 27, 2013]
Hey so I just decided to make a quiz that told you guys what hairstyle would look best on you. I hope you enjoy it and umm...good luck I guess? Well anyway…
- What haircut should I get? (girls only)[by: mary ann, rated: 2.98rated: 2.98/5, published: Jun 20, 2009]
You need a cut that fits both your face shape and your personality. This quiz can help you find it.
- What's up with my hair?[by: Hannah, rated: 2.98rated: 2.98/5, published: Mar 20, 2007]
There isn't a woman out there who doesn't want her hair different in one way or another.
- What Haircut Should You Get This Summer?[by: Emily, rated: 2.97rated: 2.97/5, published: Jul 6, 2009]
This quiz is for those of you who would like to change up their "du" this summer. This quiz if pretty much just for fun but it may help you come to a decision…
- Which Hair Color Should You Have?[by: marissajsparkle, rated: 2.97rated: 2.97/5, published: Feb 14, 2013]
Have you been wondering what hair color you should have? Take this quiz before dying your hair to see which color you should have. You will find out which…
- Men and Boys Haircut Quiz[by: Kevan Green, rated: 2.87rated: 2.87/5, published: Feb 9, 2021]
All these answers come from so if you do not like your answer try answering more truthfully and please give us a good rating and suggest more ideas on haircut…
- I can guess your hair color[by: DarthVader, rated: 2.86rated: 2.86/5, published: May 12, 2014]
I'm not as confident in this quiz at the title suggests, but I hope you enjoy taking it and I hope it is accurate. Please let me know in the comments if the…
- How would I look with long hair?[by: Erik, rated: 2.73rated: 2.73/5, published: Apr 26, 2013]
Have you ever wondered what you would look like with long hair? This quiz is for guys only, for guys who want to know how good they look with long hair.
- What Hairstyle Represents Your Personality?[by: amazon, rated: 2.72rated: 2.72/5, published: May 15, 2012]
Everyone has a different look and each look fits each person differently. Find out what your hairstyle look should be by matching it to your personality.
- Which Hair Color Is Right For You?[by: Shimmers, rated: 2.7rated: 2.7/5, published: Sep 21, 2014]
This quiz was made to tell you which hair color you should have according to your appearance. If you're struggling and trying to decide which hair color to…
- Long or Short hair?[by: Leornghaiirk, rated: 2.7rated: 2.7/5, published: Apr 27, 2013]
Hello everyone! So I decided to make a quiz that tells you what length of hair you should have. The results tell you what to do with it. Have fun doing this…
- What color should you dye your hair? (Boys & Girls)[by: Frostire, rated: 2.69rated: 2.69/5, published: May 28, 2014]
There are so many different colors to choose from. You need to select the right color for YOU.
- What Hairstyle Suits U Best[by: G.G., rated: 2.54rated: 2.54/5, published: Jan 19, 2008]
Not sure what haircut to get? Find your inspiration by taking this quiz.
- What Haircut Should You Get[by: :) bella, rated: 2.52rated: 2.52/5, published: Jun 17, 2009]
That's right, another haircut quiz! Find the right style for you.
- What Type Of Haircut Should You Get???[by: ElenaLandon, rated: 2.49rated: 2.49/5, published: Apr 17, 2014]
Are you getting a hair cut soon? Take this quiz to see what hair cut you should get. Just a trim? Chop it all off?? Take this quiz to find out the hair cut…
- I'm a man. How long should my hair be?[by: Mane, rated: 2.46rated: 2.46/5, published: Oct 13, 2013]
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have long hair, or have you wanted to do something different? Take this quiz to see what your hair length…
- Ultimate Male Buzz Cut Quiz[by: Kevan Green, rated: 2.2rated: 2.2/5, published: Jul 16, 2021]
Do you need a shaved head to look good find out in this accurate quiz this quiz will help you decide so be honest and don't use obvious what you want answers?
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