What Haircut Should You Get This Summer?

This quiz is for those of you who would like to change up their "du" this summer. This quiz if pretty much just for fun but it may help you come to a decision on whether to go with a chop, crop, or mop this summer.

Your hair is like a car. It may be stylish, it may be extreme, and it may be a simple sedan. But when you wish to change your hairstyle it helps to have some input. Here you go.

Created by: Emily

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of hair do you have?
  2. How long is your hair?
  3. Do you like stylish haircuts?
  4. Do you care what other people think about your hair?
  5. Do you mind short haircuts?
  6. Are you very busy during the summer?
  7. Are you afraid of electric clippers?
  8. Does your hair dresser have a foreign accent?
  9. Do you change your hairstyle every time you get it cut? Or keep it the same?
  10. Do you dress very fashionably, or do you just stay nice and simple?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Haircut should I Get This Summer?