do you fit emilys beauty standards?

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this quiz isn’t discriminatory or racist in any way so please do not judge me for the questions hehehe if you think there should be more questions tell me

take this quiz if you feel like it idk but it’s pretty strict do don’t feel bad with your result cause like literally any questions can make you lose 6 points

Created by: emily
  1. what’s your skin tone?
  2. what’s your weight?
  3. what type of eyelids do you have
  4. what’s your height?
  5. what’s your body shape?
  6. what are your lips like?
  7. is your skin clear and dewy?
  8. how long and thick are your eyelashes
  9. what is your jawline like?
  10. what colour are your eyes?
  11. what is your hairs texture
  12. what colour is your natural hair?
  13. what type is your hair?
  14. how long is your hair?
  15. what is your style (you gotta be pretty through clothes as well ok 😡)

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Quiz topic: Do I fit emilys beauty standards?
