How pretty are you?

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This quiz will show you how pretty you are in my opinion and the opinion of American beauty standards. This is strictly my opinion, and you should not be unhappy if you do not get the answer you would like. I hope that you enjoy me confirming how beautiful you are!

This quiz has questions where it asks you to choose a piece of clothing. You can wear whatever you want to wear, but the answers that get you more point are piece of clothing that I like. I am impressed that you read this far. You should also read the little blurb after you get your results too.

Created by: Kendall2012
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. What color are your eyes?
  3. Is your BMI (body mass index) below 20?
  4. Are you tall for your gender and age?
  5. How curly are your natural eyelashes?
  6. Do you have a good hygiene routine?
  7. Do you have some muscles
  8. What is your hair type?
  9. Do you have acne
  10. Do you wear makeup?
  11. Do you take care of yourself( Brushing hair, moisturizing your skin, etc)?
  12. Are you complimented by people other than your friends and family?
  13. Pick a piece of clothing( this is based off of what I think is cute and trending).
  14. Choose a piece of clothing.
  15. Choose a piece of clothing.
  16. Which accessory is the most important to you?
  17. Do you think the answer will be accurate?

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I?
