Are you attractive in India?(Girls only)

Hello, we're Norelle and we made this quiz because we were curious and maybe a bit bored. Don't take these results too seriously, keep shining in your own way!

We hope you enjoy our quiz to the fullest. We know you'll be gorgeous in another country's beauty standards, so please don't hate. Ok well what are you waiting for?! Take the quiz!

Created by: Norelle
  1. Ok, this quiz only looks at Indian beauty, but you're so beautiful, OK? Got it?
  2. Ok, first things first, what is your hair color?
  3. What's your hair texture/type?
  4. What's your skin tone?
  5. What's your eye shape?(pick the closest one)
  6. Do you have a double eyelid?
  7. What nose type do you have?
  8. What is your body shape?
  9. What's you weight category?
  10. How clear is your skin?
  11. How long is your hair?
  12. Which lips do you have?
  13. What is your lip colour?
  14. What's your height type?
  15. Lastly, how was this quiz?(no effect)

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Quiz topic: Am I attractive in India?(Girls only)
