Would I Date You? (Girls Only)

At 15 years old, I have a youthful yet mature presence that makes me stand out. With medium-brown skin and dark brown, naturally wavy hair styled in a relaxed, layered cut, I exude a casual but well-put-together vibe. I'm friendly and approachable, reflected in my facial features, dark brown eyes, and wide smile, which gives off a sense of warmth and confidence.

Standing at 5’9” with a slender to average athletic build, I have the kind of energy that suggests both comfort and ease in any setting. Whether I'm dressed in a simple dark-colored collared shirt or something more casual, my appearance radiates a balance of style and approachability, making me, someone people would feel comfortable talking to. I combine the energy of a high school freshman with the maturity of someone a little older, offering a unique and refreshing perspective on life.

Created by: Jonathan
  1. What is your Age?
  2. Do you like tall boys?
  3. What is your ideal date night?
  4. How do you react in an argument?
  5. How would your friends describe you?
  6. How important is fitness to you?
  7. What's your ideal weekend?
  8. How do you feel about pets?
  9. Which of these values resonates most with you?
  10. If you ever had an unexpected free day, how would you spend it?
  11. How do you feel about traveling?
  12. What kind of humor do you enjoy?
  13. If we were out together and i made a silly joke, how would you react?
  14. How important is communication in a relationship?
  15. How do you feel about public displays of affection(PDA's)?
  16. How would you feel about someone with a friendly, and approachable smile?
  17. What do you think about naturally wavy or curly hair?
  18. If we were to go out for a casual date, would you be down for a simple, dark-colored collard shirt look?
  19. How do you feel about someone who's slim to average with an athletic build?
  20. What's your take on someone who carries themselves with ease and confidence?
  21. If you were to meet someone with dark brown eyes that are soft and warm, how would you feel?
  22. How would you react if someone had a friendly, relaxed posture an exuded confidence without trying too hard?
  23. What would your first impression be of someone who's 5'9" and fits a more slim and athletic build?
  24. How do you feel about someone who's a high school freshman but has the maturity of someone in their 20's?
  25. Would you date someone who has a naturally relaxed and approachable vibe?
  26. How important is physical affection (hugging, cuddling, kissing) to you in a relationship?
  27. How often would y want to spend time together in a relationship?
  28. How do you view intimacy and sex in a relationship?
  29. If we were dating, how would you show love and appreciation?
  30. If I was having a rough day, how would you comfort me?

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