What BYU Program Do You Vibe With?

So you're a lowly freshman (or sophomore... or junior...) overwhelmed by the BIG question- what to pursue?! Hopefully I can answer that for you without too much pain!

It's a simple process, like taking a Sorting Hat quiz, only for BYU instead. You know how it works- answer the questions honestly to find out which department you may be a good fit for!

Created by: Makayla
  1. You have officially arrived at BYU! What is the first thing you're going to do?
  2. You've made it to the Cannon Center. What food do you grab first?
  3. First day of classes is upon us. Which class are you most looking forward to?
  4. You have to go to the Testing Center. How do you prepare?
  5. How "into" dating are you?
  6. For once, you have some free time! How do you spend it?
  7. A wild Cosmo appears! How do you react?
  8. Which of these niche majors sounds the most interesting to you?
  9. What building on campus is your favorite?
  10. Let's do some more personality-based questions. What's your Hogwarts House?
  11. If you could have a superpower, which would you want?
  12. What would be your ideal vacation?
  13. What is your favorite season?
  14. What's your favorite color?
  15. What is your favorite sport?
  16. Early bird or night owl?
  17. Introvert or extrovert?
  18. Night or day?
  19. What do you want out of a program?
  20. Finally, want field do YOU want to study in?

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Quiz topic: What BYU Program do I Vibe With?
