What's your favourite music genre?

This is a test that guesses your favourite music genre based on what you answer at the following 10 short questions that will ask you things about music.

If you don't know sure your favourite music genre, don't worry, the quiz will figure it out! If it doesn't guess it correctly, that means you are smarter than the machine! :)

Created by: Marti Jan and Biel
  1. Which artist do you prefer?
  2. In what language do you prefer to listen to music?
  3. What type of rhythm do you prefer?
  4. Why do you listen to music?
  5. Do you listen to your favourite type of music while you do sport?
  6. Which artist do you prefer?
  7. Does your favourite music genre have a specific place of origin?
  8. Which song would you prefer to listen only by knowing the title?
  9. Which artist do you prefer?
  10. Finally, is your favourite genre very known?

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Quiz topic: What's my favourite music genre?
