Which Human Communication & Deafness (UofM) Star Are You?

The Human Communication & Deafness Department is teeming with the skills, knowledge and experience of a dedicated team of clinicians, lecturers and researchers.

Which one of these do you aspire to be? Are you one of the true academics? Do you have fantastic clinical skills? Are you a friendly, approachable type, or are you scarily intelligent? You're just a few questions away from finding out!

Created by: Student
  1. How many additional languages do you speak?
  2. Which client group do you ideally want to work with?
  3. Where do you buy most of your clothes?
  4. What part of the brain would you say is the most interesting?
  5. What sort of accent do you have?
  6. How would you describe how you feel about your subject?
  7. Do you use your hands when you communicate?
  8. What was your favourite subject at school?
  9. Would you prefer to work in a clinical setting or in the world or research?
  10. Do you have practical skills and common sense?

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Quiz topic: Which Human Communication & Deafness (UofM) Star am I?