What Type of Communicator Am I? (Communication Identities)

As a media coach, I am dedicated to studying how people communicate and connect with one another in life and in the media. Over the course of my career, I have observed that many of my clients have similar archetypal stories, thought patterns, and behaviors that create what I consider a "masked persona". A certain combination of these characteristics create what I call a "Communication mask". There are 8 main communication masks: checker-outer, withholder, oversharer, controller, politician, drama queen, pretender, and defender/attacker. In varying degrees, each individual encompasses many (if not all) of these masks. Over time, your communication masks are likely to change throughout your life depending on your age, life circumstances, and to whom you are speaking.
In identifying your communication mask and exercising the lens of self awareness, you can begin to communicate from outside of your limiting stories and beliefs. Once you remove the mask, the opportunity to speak from your authentic self reveals itself. Unmasked, you will be able to speak from clarity and love. You will become more balanced in how much you listen and share. You will listen and connect more deeply. You will exhibit both vulnerability and power. You will remain calm, but emotionally connected and expressive. You will observe your mind and body. You will become a conscious communicator. Find out what type of communicator you are today, so you can transform how you communicate and connect in your life!