British or American ?

Sometimes you don't know what type of people are good for you! Maybe nice , and tall or a bad boy that's average or short. You never know who will come into your life at the right time and be the right person.

Do you know what type of person is good for you? Tall and kind to everyone? Bad boy average height , short? Taking this quiz will answer all these confusing questions in just a few minutes!

Created by: Brooke M.
  1. You wake up in the morning and want a hot beverage do you choose.
  2. It's Saturday morning and it's time for breakfast do you as for.
  3. You're in U. S History class learning about the revolutionary war do you.
  4. It's the fourth of July do you.
  5. It's winter do you.
  6. It's a 3 day weekend do you.
  7. Movie night ! Do you pick.
  8. You're in charge of the music for a party. Your playlist consists of mostly.
  9. Music class what instrument do you choose?
  10. It's the weekend and you're home alone do you.
  11. You see your crush in the hallway do you.
  12. Sports sign ups at school do you choose.
  13. Holiday card are being sent out is yours.

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