Do you write American or British English?

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The English language was first introduced to the Americas by British colonization, beginning in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia. Similarly, the language spread to numerous other parts of the world as a result of British trade and colonization elsewhere and the spread of the former British Empire, which, by 1921, held sway over a population of 470–570 million people, approximately a quarter of the world's population at that time. Over the past 400 years the form of the language used in the Americas"”especially in the United States"”and that used in the United Kingdom have diverged in a few minor ways, leading to the versions now occasionally referred to as American English and British English.

Which English do you speak? British, the Standard English, or American English? Take this quiz to find out if you speak British or American English. Best of luck!

Created by: Jeeshan

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Quiz topic: Do I write American or British English?