What Is Your Fourth of July IQ?

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Summer is here and it's time to celebrate the Fourth of July! Fire up the grill, peel the apples for some apple pie and cue the fireworks. It's time for some trivia!

What is your Fourth of July IQ? How much random trivia do you know about this American holiday and the founding of the country? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Julie Crea of Bite-sized History
(your link here more info)
  1. Firecrackers were invented around 1000 CE in which country?
  2. How many years elapsed between the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Paris, which formally ended the American Revolution?
  3. Which two signers of the Declaration of Independence died on its 50th anniversary—July 4, 1826?
  4. Which country printed the earliest recipe for apple pie?
  5. Although the Declaration of Independence declared all men to be equal, only white, land-owning men were allowed to vote in the first presidential election in 1789. Native Americans were granted the right to vote, when the Snyder Act gave them full U.S. citizenship in what year?
  6. Which president died on July 4, 1831?
  7. What year did Congress declare the Fourth of July a paid federal holiday?
  8. The Philippines also celebrates their independence day on July 4. Independence from who?
  9. The lyrics to the patriotic song "Yankee Doodle," were originally written by the British to mock disheveled American soldiers in which war?
  10. Where was the first capital of the United States?

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