Are You Popular

Are you popular or not? Answer these easy ten questions, TRITHFULLY! And you will find. Be careful with what you say and make sure you think about it.

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Created by: Hi
  1. How often do you hang out with your friends outside or school and activities?
  2. Your teacher has taken everyone out for a soccer match. You are winning by one goal but before the whistle blows a girl on the other team hits the ball into the goal from her hand and the teacher wasn’t looking. What do you think?
  3. The teacher is assigning desk partners and you get put with the weirdest girl ever. What do you do?
  4. What’s your style.
  5. Do you often have fights with people?
  6. You are at a Birthday Party and you notice one of your friends running off to cry in the bathroom. What do you do?
  7. You got invited to a slumber party with all your besties. What sort of stuff are you doing at the party.
  8. Would you ever go an a week long vacation with your besties?
  9. Final question: What do you think popularity means???
  10. How would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Popular
