Who Are You in the Popular Group?

Are you popular? If you are then good for you but if your not have you always wondered who you would be? You will find out right now after 13 questions.

Are you the leader, the class clown, the bully, the second in command, the mediator, the jock, the fashionista or the witty girl. Take this quiz and you will know.

Created by: Rachel
  1. Do you take care of your looks? How?
  2. What do you typically wear?
  3. The teacher goes out of the room to go on her lunch break she has set you a lot of work and she says if you are not done before she comes back you will miss out on art. What do you do?
  4. Do you usually get in fights.
  5. Does the principal know your entire name? First middle and last?
  6. Are you invited to most parties.
  7. Do you often get in trouble? If so why?
  8. What would you say to a girl who was calling you a nerd.
  9. The teacher's nickers are visible as she is teaching a geography lesson, what do you do?
  10. You are invited to someone's birthday. It is a bouncy castle party what are you doing.
  11. A girl won't stop trying to pick a fight with you what do you do?
  12. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  13. What was your first day of school like?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in the Popular Group?
