High School Stereotype Quizzes
Do you fall into one of the stereotypical high school groups? If you were in a cliche teen movie, would you be the jock or the nerd? The prep or the goth? The quizzes here seek to place you into one of these groups.
Our Stereotype Quizzes
- What Kind Of High School Girl Are You?[by: kim1499, rated: 4.03rated: 4.03/5, published: Jul 31, 2013]
Girls in high school have all different kinds of personalities. What's yours? There's the athlete, socialite, wallflower, musician, super-brain, and girlfriend.
- What type of stereotype are you in high school?[by: Lena, rated: 3.99rated: 3.99/5, published: Jun 24, 2019]
Do you want to find out what kind of person will you be/ you are in high school? Well, this I a quiz for you! You will need to answer some questions so get…
- What Stereotype Are You (Emo, Goth, Preppy, Jock, Nerd)[by: Emokid, rated: 3.82rated: 3.82/5, published: Dec 20, 2008]
There's jocks, emos, cheerleaders, nerds... So many different cliques and stereotypes to choose from. Since there are many different types of people other…
- Your role in high school[by: Lalalalala, rated: 3.7rated: 3.7/5, published: May 16, 2010]
High school. Those four great drama filled emotional confusing years of our life. It's most definitely a train wreck of emotions and changes. The tears laughs…
- Are You a Nerd, Jock, or Cheerleader?[by: :) girl, rated: 3.6rated: 3.6/5, published: Jul 22, 2012]
There are lots of different types of people in the world. Some of those include nerds, jocks, and cheerleaders. Which one are you? Take this quiz to find out!
- Are You a Nerd, Emo, Goth, or Geek?[by: My real name?, rated: 3.58rated: 3.58/5, published: Sep 19, 2015]
There are some people who are confused as nerds when they are geeks, or vice versa. And some emos confused as goth or vice versa. But they are all their own…
- What High School Stereotype Are You?[by: annafrozen12, rated: 3.57rated: 3.57/5, published: Sep 6, 2016]
There are many different high school stereotypes, which one of them fits you the best? Take my quiz to find out if you are the nerd or the jock, the punk or…
- What kinda girl r u?[by: Skye, rated: 3.54rated: 3.54/5, published: Jul 22, 2008]
Haven't you ever wondered what kind of girl you were? About the kind of person you are? How others saw you? What clique you are/were in? There are so many…
- What is your High School Stereotype?[by: Robot Bob, rated: 4.29rated: 4.29/5, published: Aug 3, 2014]
There are many types of stereotypes in high school. After all, high school is the "judging pool" of life. Some are known as popular kids (all schools have…
- Who Are You in the Popular Group?[by: Rachel, rated: 4.22rated: 4.22/5, published: Mar 30, 2024]
Are you popular? If you are then good for you but if your not have you always wondered who you would be? You will find out right now after 13 questions.
- What School Clique Are You?[by: Marissa R., rated: 4.13rated: 4.13/5, published: Mar 16, 2023]
Want to know which school clique matches your personalty? Find out here. From your clothing choices to how you introduce yourself! This quiz is just for fun,…
- What's Your High School Stereotype?[by: Player1, rated: 3.65rated: 3.65/5, published: Jul 14, 2012]
So, you are in High School? Or maybe University? This could apply there too, I guess. And you want to know who you are? Well we all know that no one…
- What high school stereotype are you (for guys)[by: Nater, rated: 3.49rated: 3.49/5, published: Jul 12, 2018]
If you happened to stumble upon this test somehow, it is a sophisticated measuring test that will help you find out what high school stereotype you are. This…
- Which high school stereotype best describes you?[by: Ally, rated: 3.48rated: 3.48/5, published: Mar 10, 2015]
Everyone knows the stereotypical high school stereotypes. These are just labels, but have you ever wondered what stereotype category you fall into?
- What teenager (stereotype) are you?[by: nicolaa, rated: 3.47rated: 3.47/5, published: Jul 15, 2012]
Have you ever wondered what type of teenager you really are? Or even, what people who meet you will think you are? Some people may come across as completely…
- What Type Of Group Do You Belong To?[by: tomboykaitie, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: May 22, 2010]
There are different type of groups in school... Or even in public or the workplace. Populars, band geeks, goth kids. Whatever you are, you belong to some sort…
- Who are YOU in school/life?[by: ?!?!, rated: 3.38rated: 3.38/5, published: Mar 31, 2009]
There's a lot of different people in school/life. Who are you? I tried my best to be unbiased in this quiz but if you have a problem with something, please…
- Everyone is one of the high school stereotypes.[by: High School Student, rated: 3.34rated: 3.34/5, published: Apr 23, 2020]
Hi this is a quiz on which high school stereotype you are, Are you the popular one, the cheerleader or the nerd that is so smart that they have a super high…
- What Group Do You Belong With in School?[by: Stephi, rated: 3.29rated: 3.29/5, published: Jul 22, 2010]
People place each other into different groups at school. Figure out which one you are in. Do you like to read or swim? Do you have friends? Are they real…
- Teenagers Personality Quiz[by: rawrgrrl, rated: 3.28rated: 3.28/5, published: Apr 17, 2011]
Ah, high school. Cliques, drama, all of that fun stuff. It can be hard to discover yourself in that whole mess. With everyone labeling, judging, and grouping…
- Who Are You? Punk, Emo, Hippie, Ghetto, Popular, or Nerd?[by: Ben, rated: 3.26rated: 3.26/5, published: Jun 8, 2007]
A quiz that will determine which of the above labels you are, based on 16 insightful questions.
- What is Your Stereotype?[by: amazon, rated: 3.25rated: 3.25/5, published: May 2, 2009]
What is a stereotype, you ask?A stereo type is a sort of a genre for people. Remember that you shouldn't let a stereotype define who you are because you…
- What High School Clique Do You Belong In[by: xmarksthespot, rated: 3.21rated: 3.21/5, published: Feb 8, 2007]
Whether you're in high school, or just graduated, or are attending your high school reunion, you know how cliques work out. Everyone belongs somewhere, and…
- What School Stereotype Are You?[by: Maxx, rated: 3.21rated: 3.21/5, published: Jan 24, 2007]
Today's society casts everybody into stereotypes. This happens a lot in high school. You're a goth or a redneck or a jock. Today these labels are used by…
- What is your High School Stereotype?[by: greymissiere, rated: 3.2rated: 3.2/5, published: May 17, 2017]
Hello, you are probably here to know what your High School Stereotype is, Yes, you are at the right place. You can take this quiz whenever you like. You can…
- What stereotype do you belong to?[by: Stephanie, rated: 3.18rated: 3.18/5, published: Aug 8, 2006]
Are you a prep, a jock, a punk, an emo kid, a loner, a gamer, a geek/nerd, or just your average joe? take this quiz to find out. The harsh reality awaits you.
- What stereotype are you?[by: Ally, rated: 3.14rated: 3.14/5, published: Jun 3, 2009]
Take my quiz to find out which stereotype are you: Skater, Preppy, Nerd, Hipster, Emo or Jock?? The answers may be a little off, but try to take it and see…
- Which High School Stereotype Are You?[by: amazon, rated: 3.11rated: 3.11/5, published: Jan 21, 2007]
High school. The place where everyone finds who they are. Yes, yes, it sounds cheesy, but it's true, in a way. It's the place where popularity is somewhat…
- What High School Clique Are You?[by: mari, rated: 3.05rated: 3.05/5, published: Jul 18, 2009]
Everyone has a different personality. In elementary, cliques don't even really exist. Almost everyone gets along. But in middle-high school, a lot of people…
- What high school clique are you in?[by: kurt, rated: 3.01rated: 3.01/5, published: Apr 19, 2007]
I know that there are a ton of other "What clique should you be in?" quizzes, but I wanted to make my own that had my own questions in it. I hope you like it…
- High School Cliques[by: Rachel, rated: 2.91rated: 2.91/5, published: Nov 25, 2006]
There are many High School cliques, but very few nice cliques. The clique your in pretty much describes who you are. What is a clique? A clique is merely your…
- Which Subculture Do You Identity With the Most?[by: External Enthusiast, rated: 2.89rated: 2.89/5, published: Dec 13, 2015]
This quiz was speedily thrown together after an exceptionally long research session for no particular reason, the answers consist of the 3 I'm most…
- What stereotype are you?[by: Bethiie, rated: 2.87rated: 2.87/5, published: Dec 13, 2007]
Many people have different personalities. They're all different. We all wonder what we are, when people ask us in societies such as school or parks. It may…
- Who were you in High School?[by: TiredGrayWolf, rated: 2.8rated: 2.8/5, published: Jul 6, 2020]
High school is a strange time for everyone. You’re growing up, your body is changing, and you’re starting to become less of a child and more of an adult.…
- What High School Cliche are You?[by: Jordyn, rated: 2.76rated: 2.76/5, published: Mar 16, 2007]
Every high school (yes, even yours) (even mine) has those little divisions... geek, jock, popular, etc. And you know what everyone REALLY WANTS is to be in…
- What High School Stereotype Are You?[by: ILoveNickJonas, rated: 2.74rated: 2.74/5, published: Apr 5, 2009]
This quiz is just a fun way to determine which clique you were destined to be in high school. Don't take it seriously, just have fun, and hope you don't end…
- What do people label you?[by: amazon, rated: 2.52rated: 2.52/5, published: Jan 23, 2010]
Right now, people just like you are out there. Obviously they're not exactly like you, but they have some similar personality traits. They're labeled the same…
- What type of girl are you?[by: Jessie, rated: 2.33rated: 2.33/5, published: Sep 6, 2006]
In middle school and high school there are cliques and labels for all girls. Some are cool and preppy. Some are snobby. Some are wealthy. Some are pretty.…
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