How much do you know about Kalos? (Pokemon)

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This quiz is about the Kalos region of Pokemon. There are questions about the games and the anime, but if you haven't played the games then that's ok because it's not that hard.

Kalos is a nice region. I don't know what else to say here, so I hope you are having a good day..? God bless you. You can scroll down now. ... you can scroll down-

  1. What is the food item in Kalos?
  2. What is the box legendary for Pokemon Y?
  3. What about for Pokémon X?
  4. What is the smallest form of Zygarde called?
  5. What team tried to destroy the world basically in Kalos ( fOr tHE GrEATeR gOoD or something )
  6. What country is Kalos based on?
  7. How do you know?
  8. What console are X and Y for?
  9. Who was the head of the team from question 5?
  10. Next questions are about the XY and Z anime. So how many people did Ash travel with in Kalos? (Not including himself)
  11. Did Ash's Goomy evolve?
  12. What is Ash Greninja?
  13. Which one of these was one of Serena's rivals?
  14. And again, which one of these was one of Serena's rivals?
  15. Same thing. Which one of these... you know. I'm not typing that again.
  16. Was Clemont a gym leader?
  17. If so, what kind?
  18. Who basically helped Ash when he was depressed?
  19. Why did Serena cut her hair?
  20. Finish this: "The future is now . . ."
  21. These last three questions are about openings in the dub. First, what song was re used for the theme song in season 17?
  22. What other series had songs about "being a hero/heroes"?
  23. Is "gotta catch em all" said in the dub theme song for season 19?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Kalos? (Pokemon)
