Ultimate Pokemon Anime Test!

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This is the biggest Pokemon anime quiz you ever will take! I have questions all the way from Indigo League up to Ultimate Journeys. So pretty much all of it except Horizons.

I don't have anything against Horizons, I just don't have Netflix. But I would be watching it. I am grateful though, for having prime, where I have watched a bit of all of it (except BW, which I watched on Tubi). Thank you Lord that we can enjoy this show!

Created by: Vic
  1. Did Ash's Pikachu always know the move Iron Tail?
  2. How many people has Ash traveled with? (Not counting characters who stayed for a short while, like Korrina)
  3. In what region did Ash's Pikachu learn the move Electro Web?
  4. What move did Electro Web replace?
  5. Which of these Pokemon was NOT owned by Ash?
  6. Who had more Pokemon by the end of the series?
  7. Describe a jelly donut.
  8. Did Ash have a Tauros?
  9. Is Ash based on a real person?
  10. Is Ash dense
  11. Did Brock ever own a Vulpix?
  12. Did Ash ever evolve his Gible?
  13. Which Pokemon theme song (dub) was used twice (technically)
  14. Which of Ash's friends were the first to . . . Uhm, like him? Like... you know...
  15. Why did so many people like Pokemon XY? (The main reason)
  16. Why didn't people like Sun and Moon as much? (This is not biased, and you are simply looking for the main reason)
  17. Do you want free points but its opposite day
  18. Which came first?
  19. Where did Pokemon contests originate, according to Diamond and Pearl?
  20. Find the best description for Poffins, a food item in the Pokemon world.
  21. Did Cynthia ever quit Pokemon battling? (She did mention it in Ultimate Journeys during the World Coronation Series)
  22. Did Goh ever meet Mew again?
  23. Did Chloe's Eevee ever evolve?
  24. Did Ash ever meet Mewtwo?
  25. Did Brock travel with Ash and Misty in the Orange Islands?
  26. Thank you for taking this quiz! Last question. Why didn't Ash get to choose his starter between the Pokemon Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur?

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