Which Pokegirl are you?

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We all want to live with Pokémon. But how would we live with Pokémon, this quiz will tell you the Pokegirl most like you, with multiple questions to get as accurate as possible

To the performer Serena to Gym leader Misty to Mallow the chef, from Indigo League to Ultimate Journey’s we have all of Ash’s main Female companions over the years

Created by: Wildflower
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. What’s your favorite Eeveelution
  3. Who do you want?
  4. Favorite Pokémon
  5. Favorite Hobby
  6. If you were Ash who would be your bestie
  7. Best Ship
  8. Who has the best hair style
  9. When you choose your starter Pokémon do you choose the…
  10. Favorite Icecream flavor

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Quiz topic: Which Pokegirl am I?
