Which Eevee Evolution is your perfect Pokmon partner?

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Try this fun quiz to see who your perfect Eevee evolution partner is! This quiz is the quiz found at the end of the Pokémon guide, "All About Eevee," but it's a bit easier. So if you want to take this quiz periodically like me and my siblings do, it won't be quite as hard.

The results are, obviously, Eevee and it's eight evolutions; Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon. Try to answer the questions honestly - I know some of the answers are very leading on what they'll get you, but it'll be more accurate if you respond with your actual reaction. Hope you enjoy!

Created by: AlolaAndDragons
  1. After School, you like to:
  2. Your dream vacation would be:
  3. Your favorite snack is:
  4. This weekend, you'd love to:
  5. If you could have any superpower, you'd want the ability to:
  6. A cause that you care about is:
  7. Your friends would describe you as:
  8. On your birthday, you like to celebrate by:
  9. When you grow up, you'd like to be:
  10. You like your hair to be:
  11. Your favorite reward is:
  12. In science class, you'd like to learn more about:
  13. Your favorite kind of weather is:
  14. A birthday present you'd love is:

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Quiz topic: Which Eevee Evolution is my perfect Pokmon partner?
