Which pokemon anime character are you?

The Pokemon anime is my favorite show and now you can do a quiz to see which character you are. Uhm, yeah. That's all I have to say. They're making me type more stuff :/

Sorry if your fav character isn't here. They only let me do ten. I tried to do some from every series, but there's no alola or galar so :/ what can you do

Created by: Vic
  1. Are you shy?
  2. Do you enjoy time alone?
  3. If someone you knew was in danger, what would you do?
  4. If you lost in a competition important to you WAY too many times in a row, what would you do?
  5. Are you passionate in a specific hobby?
  6. Are you scared of anything? Does it drive you crazy at all?
  7. Are you forgetful?
  8. Do you have a lot of friends?
  9. Why did you try this quiz?
  10. Are you annoying?
  11. If you wanted to become friends with someone, what would you do?
  12. What group of real animals do you think is closest to you?
  13. Are you sick of this quiz?
  14. Are you usually right?
  15. Which book series is the most appealing to you?
  16. Are you creative in any way?
  17. Favorite color out of these?

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Quiz topic: Which pokemon anime character am I?
